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Bitcoin 101 – Intro to Paper Wallets & Cold Storage

Bitcoin does so many things better than banks (trusts, escrows, programmable money, cheap transfers, instant accounts, etc.), but one area that is not quite so nice, is security.

While the bitcoin network, itself, appears bullet-proof, lots of bitcoins are being stolen, via hacking, malware and flaws in online wallets and even google’s random number generator.

Bitcoin 101

The answer is to get your bitcoins entirely offline, and the two ways to do this are paper wallets and cold storage. This video is an introduction to making both. Host, James D’Angelo, walks you through the software and ideas used in making ‘sloppy’ offline wallets (which are great to have). He also gives suggestions at making even better offline wallets. This is the first of many videos we will make on bitcoin security, and the least technical.

We hope you’ll enjoy.

Intro to Paper Wallets & Cold Storage



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