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ZeusMiner Blizzard Unboxing, Configuration, CGMiner Starter, Overclocking and Hardware Modification

Zeusminer blizzard Black Unboxing and showcase of a ASIC miner config app, that allows to easily setup the batch files for cgminer and to start cgminer. Haven’t bought one yet? They are on sale in this European webshop for € 99 each (includes 12 months guarantee amongst other aftersales benefits).

ZeusMiner ASIC Config & CGMiner Start

Dropbox download location for CGminer and script to create your .bat file: here

Which is so much easier than following the hash-master instruction page or Zeus’ instruction.

Update 21Jun14: just found out there’s support for bfgminer 4.2.1 too! Which after messing with ASIC Config and CGminer for a few hours makes a ton more sense, with a prettier interface, being able to see avg. mining speeds … and they are working on 1 single instance, for multiple miners!

Update 15Jul14: there all kinds of versions and forks


The easiest — but not always most lucrative — is joining a mining pool.

Pool setup: CleverMining

Clevermining offers the easiest setup; no accounts to setup.

Mining pool address: stratum+tcp://
Username: your bitcoin address
Password: x (doesn’t matter)

Detailed instructions here.

Clevermining avg. profit per day: 1.23 – 2.00 mBTC per day per MH

I personally favor at 1.53 – 3.63 mBTC per day (similar setup)

Zeusminer Scrypt Mining Most Lucrative Pool?

You can compare Mining Pools at

CoinKing avg. profit per day: 1.53 – 5.03 mBTC per day!

At the current BTC value of $587 value, that’s upto:

  • ~ €3.20 per ASIC ZeusMiner Blizzard per day!
  • ~ €22 per ASIC ZeusMiner Blizzard per week!
  • ~ €95 per ASIC ZeusMiner Blizzard per month!

Update July 2014: although the profits have lowered per miner? So have the prices to purchase one. Instead of buying a Blizzard though (X3 either X6) we highly recommend to get a Hurricane or Black Widow from GAWminers instead!

Scrypt Mining Pool with payout in VertCoin

Most pools payout in BTC. But … had a very intensive conversation yesterday about mining VertCoin. Yes indeed that’s a Scrypt-N coin. Something you cannot mine with a Scrypt ASIC miner. Different algorithm! But … there are multi pools that payout in VertCoin. for example.

Syntax: cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_VTC_ADDRESS -p x –scrypt

ZeusMiner Blizzard fan modification

This is my first ASIC miner rig, and although I heard the noise is not that bad? I don’t like it. Because I sleep in the same room …

This Desk is less than 3 meters from my bed. But the reason those 4x 1.35MH/s = 5.2MH/s @ ~ 180W make so much noise is of the current 80mm fan models: HFD-SIZE-M12XL. Manufacturer: Hongfu Electronic Co. Ltd.

Cannot find any specifications on noise level, nor airflow on Google But going to purchase a 80mm to 120mm fan adapter anyway and mount a (possibly) quieter 120mm fan. A fan I really like based on specs is the Fractal Design Silent Series R2 120mm with 40.6CFM @ 1200RPM producing just 15dBA.

Price for a mount + and forementioned fan: €15. Azerty.NL shopping cart quicklink.

Different models and fan comparison @ Pricewatch

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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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