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GAW Miners / OneMiner Fury Deal: Zenminer First Impression Review (not good)

Disclaimer: Even though I’m a GAWminers affiliate and GAW wholesale reseller ? I can only recommend what’s great. I’m expressing personal opinions in this article. If something ROCKS? I will write that. If it Sucks (and needs serious improvement)? I will write that too.

Introduction: GAW Miners / OneMiner

One of GAW miners latest projects to allow the commoner to buy ASIC Mining equipment at wholesale rates? Is liason with

Fury Deal

A few weeks ago I purchased a 1.3MH/s Fury (OEM version of ZeusMiner Blizzard) with 1 year free zen hosting for $89.

Sounded like a good deal. But is it?

Zenminer First Impression Review

Just finished setting up my ZenPortal account.

Which BTW looks extremely pretty, easy to navigate, fully responsive design; beautiful! But …

If this is what I’ve been waiting for, for 2 long weeks? Then “OH O!”. Those rates cannot be right!

If I would purchase the Fury / ZeusMiner Blizzard myself: I would make 1.3 * 0.83 mBTC =  1.08mBTC according to Don’t believe their API? Okay cool … visit directly to see the rates confirmed!

Not good!

0.474mBTC vs. 1.08 mBTC … that’s not just a little difference, it’s more than half at 44% !!!

Even if I would have to pay for my own energy costs? I would make more profit!

But that’s maybe because according to their FAQ? Is still in Beta …

I’m praying for improvements!


Do you understand now why my own minershop ( is against hosted miners? They rip you off

Read my article here with alternatives.


Some troubleshooting updates.


  • got a suggestion from the Altcoin communities I’m involved in to wait another day for the hashrate to stabilise. So let’s do that. To be continued!
  • 6 hours later … not seeing an increase in profits. Opened a GAW miners support ticket. Let’s see what they can do about it.
  • And wrote a ‘testimonial’ here:
    Got me response pretty fast!

    We’re working on that now. We found a better way to provide you the estimated payouts, you should see an update by tomorrow.

    Yay! Let’s confirm tomorrow. To be continued … part 2! (-;


  • Looking good now:

    But want to see those amounts in my BTC (and even better LTC payout) accounts too! But so-far? Am impressed with both ZenMiner and GAW miner aftersales staff, suppor, programmers … and their willingness to truly deliver.

  • Also got response back from GAW miners support (Forementioned was from ZenMiner):

    Please let me assure you that this is because your miner was activated about 60% through the payout so you only got 40% of that payout. The next payout should yield better values


  • They opened a feature request topic: … looks VERY promising!
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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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