Serving The Planet

Why vote for Earnie – Rhyker – Kasteleijn as Top 100 Internet Marketer of 2014?

As featured briefly already on my Google+ Profile:

I’ve been nominated for a “Top 100 Internet Marketer of 2014”-award!

How to vote?

In 3 simple steps.

  1. Please visit this page:
  2. scroll down to when you see the red vote button
  3. and follow instructions in image:


You can only cast a vote once and you can vote till 31th of January 2015. I would appreciate yours!

Voting incentives

Sneaky huh? :) But hey … why not?  It’s an internet marketing contest right? And when you devote 30 seconds of your time to vote for me? I will give back to you too … abundantly. You can chose from two options:

Cause the biggest head-rush I get? Is not when I get paid or win whatever contest, but when I give value. And although I’m probably at the other side of the planet from wherever you are? I love to see a big smile on your face. So this is a great opportunity for me to show you how much I appreciate you.

Why vote for Earnie – Rhyker – Kasteleijn from Europe; “WHO ARE YOU?!”

LOL … if you know me, or if we have done business together over the past two decades? You should know why! However if you haven’t? Why should you vote for me? Infact you might be even wondering:

Who the F are you anyway to be mentioned on that list ?! Never heard about you before!

No?! You sure??? Cause that can only be for these reasons:

  • you never read Timothy Ferris’ his book “The Four Work Week”? Neither Mark Anastasi’s “The Laptop Millionaire”. Cause I’ve been featured in both!
  • you have no EmpireAvenue account (as I’m a Top25 Dutch Networker and Top1000 globally)
  • you were unable to find me, either word-of-mouth marketing failed
  • you’re were not involved in the Dutch Crypto Currency (aka Bitcoin) community in 2014:
  • Never saw this:
  • or … you have seen my work, without even realizing who build / fixed IT! Cause including Ted Nuyten himself being a computer customer, I was also responsibly for bringing back when it got hacked in 2012 ….. … PLUS doing all kinds of things for Princess Fizz, Brian Michael, Kalpesh Patel, Nelis van de Wateringen, Chad Ockstadt and other more familiar names featured at … and that doesn’t even go into all the NDA projects I’ve been involved with over the years like the Dutch ‘CH’ in 2014.
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Figured IT out yet why you haven’t heard about me before? I’ve indeed been Mr. Anonymous for the past two decades online … as an outsourcer.

So it’s not a bad thing you never heard about me. … you will in 2015 though! Cause …

… next to having ‘sorta’ retired from the ‘nerd scene’, I’ll now be using all my accumulated knowledge to setup a few new platforms of my own; with a twist! I have no interest whatsoever to featured on be leaderboards or stages. The recognition I get is when I see team members or entire teams of companies on stage, knowing I’ve contributed some way, some how, in their success; hence I’ve been buidling a wealth distribution system for ALL online marketing, network marketing and affiliate marketing entrepreneurs. All, in the spare time of which I got none ;), skipping sleep at night for so many times for last 6 months of 2014. 2015? Regardless if you vote for me or not? Is going to be badass! Thanks for reading this article all the way through. And if you like? You can of course connect with me online through all the social media platforms … which boosts both our EmpireAvenue ranking.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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