Serving The Planet

5 Most Popular IC signup links

There are a couple of ways you can register people into IC. And you can find most links by …

Help people start at a specific board

Why you would like to do that? Not only because of what I explained in this 13minute video:


… but also because of strategic cycling boards. Ask your teamleader.

  2. Click on “My Dashboard” -> “My Referral links”
  3. All the links behinds the buttons on pages ending with /100 or /300 or /500 or /1500 or /3500 (which all have an 8 minute time delay before appearing). The exception being:

Lowest entry level: $25 only (English form)

Useful for promoting for example CloudBackup or SmartOrder product features:

Cool ‘trick’. One of our teamleaders got inspired and created … which is the exact same page, but incorporates like buttons of 4 popular social media. And a so called on-exit event. Give it spin and you know what I mean. Perfect for enticing people you know personally to think twice before leaving.

Most common way of signup (ability to upgrade with multiple boards at once)

link: … forwards to .. and from there one you can also chose out of 3 other languages and email those links directly.

Common mistake: referring people directly to the link behind “Register Now” button. That registration link always defaults to Spanish, because IC is using something called a ‘session based cookie’ instead of using parameters based language selection (like they do on other pages). So if you refer somebody that expects English? You then first have to notify / tell them to select English flag. It’s something to take into considering when using internet/e-mail marketing for example. As it can make or break a signup (ratio’s).

But there are ‘hidden’ ones too. The 3 most popular direct signup links in that regard are:

Homepage of IC (explaining product benefits of IC)


Signup link focussed on products


Similar to but without the compensation videos on top. Thus only the product matrix. Perfect again for people you know personally but are more tuned into product benefits vs. opportunity. Or if you already lead with a presentation … no need to oversell if somebody made a decision to enroll already.

Creditcard only signup link (English form)

This is a little trickier. But if you like to have a signup page that always defaults to English? But can only be used with creditcard? Then ask me for it. But basically it’s the link that comes with the button appearing after 8 minutes at

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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