Serving The Planet

It is Time to Go Pro; Why we Have a Better Way with … DCC !

As just shared on my Facebook Profile:

and ‘promised’ to blog out it So you might reading it twice, as I just spend some time on installing another super neat tool. Anyway let me first share the blogpost and pay special attention to the end of this article!

Why we have a better way with … DCC !

Did you check out the new already? Spoiler alert? Less for more. The design has had an upgrade which is neato I suppose: … just updated mine with the latest social media profiles.

Anyway what bothers me is this:


I sure hope there are more benefits to be held for $48USD ~ €44 per year than just a .me domain? As TransIP charges €20, GoDaddy charges €10 for a .me domain. So it’s a little bit overpriced

But here’s why I recommend people to use ‘DCC’: $5.40USD = €5 for a .me

Thanks Deb Mandel Lane for recommending it to me. For those who don’t have an account yet? Take the 30-day free trial at … cause there is a TON of other reasons why DCC is awesomeeee and how I personally vouch for 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Spoilert alert once more? DCC allows you to do frame forwards within 2 seconds (instead of 20 minutes to accomplish the same in a godaddy site and not even possible with transip without paying extra) and FREE domain privacy/proxy (not possible with transIP, and godaddy charges extra for it). And got no CC? No problem, they support PayPal too! So it’s very European friendly.

Been a customer with TransIP for 11+ years, with GoDaddy for 5+ years, and DCC for about 14 months now. What am I selling? Zip. I’m sharing. And because I’m not the only one who is excited about it (and you cannot contain excitement) a few told a few who told a few as outlined at:

But wait … there’s more I like to share which makes a big difference in the ‘decision making’ process. Cause if you’ve been involved into the ‘traffic exchanges scene’ somewhere in the past 6 months? I’m sure you heard of the name Ryan Hauser? How’s that relevant in the context of things you might be wondering? He joined my happy customer team somewhere in 2015 and because DCC — backed by 15 year old Internet giant GDI — has a super smart multi-tier affiliate / referral payplan I’m getting paid on all his recommendations too. How did that happen? Never talked or chatted to him (and still haven’t as we are both busy bees hehe ). Well … I’m not selling blogging solutions either, I just blog and he probably liked what I wrote; joined … enrolled 48 people … in DCC’s 4×7 matrix. So the longer you wait with making it cheaper/easier for yourself? The more $5 spill-overs FREE MONEY you lose out on. Or … how I see it and been using the income; every domain I purchased at DCC is paid for by profits coming in through DCC. 8|

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The ‘opportunity’ in everything is saving a jackload of money in services you would buy anyway. If you join? You save massive amounts of money/time, and I get paid for recommending you as a customer. If you don’t join? I honestly don’t care, but don’t understand either why you wouldn’t want to save money to be spend at other awesome tools, traffic exchanges, or a charity of your choosing. But yes a valid reason could be that you never purchase domains. Then making money with DCC is something you shouldn’t even try (unless you’re equipped with excellent salesman abilities); better join … well that’s why I’m building Options4All​ … which has a lot of these type of scenario-a-like things to help you make life easier; to make a decision that ‘fits’ your current preferences, life, business and requirements.

P.S. oh look … just got myself a new blogpost to share, things got a bit lengthy again; upz. To finish with a variation on Eric Worre’s slogan; we’ve got a better way with … DCC; it’s time to go pro

Addendum: what you don’t know … yet. Is how this blogpost is currently just an ordinary blogpost. However one of the key features I’m currently working on is how every freemium member of Options4All can leverage this blogpost as their own, as all the social share buttons are coded to the person who’s logged in. And when shared? Get assigned to their referral link! So even if you don’t have or don’t want to blog? You can leverage options4all … or not ETA? Oh I dunno. Still have lots of ground to cover coding wise. But those who register now will be kept in the loop and can already build a team as I’m updating the backend in real-time.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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