Serving The Planet

FREE signups in your IC business


BOOMMMM! Next doc. And yes … I know we have teamsite, but that’s still in the works. And till then? Going to use FB docs as well as PDF files (, cause it allows me to quickly jot down a couple of things and thoughts using a very ‘informal’ style of writing. As English isn’t my first language, and when I publish stuff on the site I want it to be correct business/formal English (and that takes considerably more time). So that’s why

Quick way to riches? Traffic Exchanges?

I touch based on this before. Some of you still think that if you build a leadcapture and/or landingpage — although we do provide all the tutorials for that indeed, and so does IC (and they will update their current ones very soon) — that you somehow magically are going to get signups into your business. And while very much possible? For most of you the opposite is true. As also shared in … so what usually happens then is you get demotivated. That’s also when people ask me “I tried everything and it doesn’t work”. While what you probably haven’t done and is so much easier is what I shared in the comments of (the stuff about the washing machine)

and: what I will below …

Focus on people you know!!

As I also explained in this video: … that you can use during prospecting too … although I would only use that myself as a last resort with high profile business owners; that usually purchase higher boards based on value (and have some kind of alienated opinion about MLM). But you need to get in the value mindset. Not the profits mindset. So familiarize yourself with that video. Before you read on …

Common mistake + a better way

Do NOT try to sell boards / business centers to your warm market. The only thing you have to do with your warm market (friends and family) is have informal conversations like you do all day every day anyway. And just slide in this question: “BTW. Have you seen this yet? It’s awesome!” And share your

Handling objections:

Q: “What is it about?”

A: Well that’s why I’m sharing a link with you with you you will absolutely LOVE it.

If they are trying to get more info from you? Just tell them something like “The page does the explaining way better than I can. And if it’s not for you, maybe you know somebody that can benefit from it?” And just change the subject.

And that’s it. Most people will just sign up. That’s how I enrolled most of the people on my frontline. If they are interested in optional board upgrades? They will come back to you about it. And you’d be surprised how many people get boards during signup even without you talking about it. And if you then combine that with comments of ? You will get people chasing you instead of you chasing them. So no need to follow up with them either; as that’s sales. And we are not in sales; we are in the sharing business; helping people save money: …. UPDATE: and with the new teamsites? That’s going to be even easier. How? Like to show you, instead of cover you in tech facts. So gimme some time to launch / set that up properly please.

Also there’s no point whatsoever to cover them in facts (like I don’t either). Like “debt free” company, or go in debt on products or other blabla. KISS; Keep It Stupid Simple. Let the toolboxbundle page do the talking for you. It’s a $25 no-brainer decision; there’s nothing to sell. If they are too lazy to click the link? Not your problem. Get into sharing mindset, not the begging mindset.

And don’t go about spamming links either, especially not on your timeline. Doesn’t work. Only in personal conversations. As I mentioned, just slide it into a chat conversation when you have one with somebody anyway. Haven’t spoken to somebody in a while? Then focus on the people you do speak with every day / week.

Addendum: There are leaders in MLM that will tell you — if you haven’t been in touch with someone recently — how it’s the perfect way to talk to them again. Yah, except people can smell it on you how you ‘suddenly’ care enough for them to pimp your offer and not contacting you earlier for just a chat conversation. So again; that’s not relationship marketing. Relationships always come first, giving presents like toolboxbundle is then the logical thing to do. So don’t become that ‘sales guy or woman’ but just first build your relationship with somebody.

How to qualify for the traffic rotator

IF you’re interested in receiving FREE signups through internet traffic? Then I suggest you upgrade to the $1500 business center. Cause that automatically qualifies you for our team rotator. Which is indeed a steep investment. But again … compared to what? Purchasing only a couple of adpacks is a horrific waste of money. Joining other companies? Is a horrific waste of money (and time and focus).

And as we have internet marketing professionals in your leadership team (see: whom are forwarding high quality traffic to custom high converting leads and sales pages, like the ones you can find at … then why try to do something on your own, what we do way better cause we have 10+ years of internet marketing experience and results that speak for themselves!

P.S. and yes we use Traffic Exchanges too (like any of you can), but we purchase adpacks by the 100s. Which is $5000+ each per leader. So although the quality of that type of traffic isn’t the best out there? It’s mixed with high quality traffic from the profits we make of those adpacks. The type of leverage / money you don’t have … cause if you did? You would own all the boards already. So stop wasting time and energy in trying to do everything on your own or pretending you know what you are doing (with regards to internet marketing), and instead leverage our traffic resources. And other incentives:

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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