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How to build a business with PDF files

I recently had a sneak peek into the ‘kitchen’ of a couple of mega successful leaders in our downline. People that have the kind of results many of us (including myself) dream about when it comes to simplicity, duplication, etc.

And it got me an idea that I like to share with you. But let’s first cover the basics

What is a PDF?

Acronym for Portable Document Format. Now we know even less :-))  It’s a file format introduced in 1993 by market leader Adobe (also famous for Photoshop). And the reason it works so well, is a PDF file is literally a digitized form of a printed file. It’s literally like printing any document, and then scan the contents, but because it’s all digital there’s little to no quality loss, neither pages that are scanned diagonally

Benefits of PDF

So although 23 years old technology, it’s still being used a lot in the present. As the contents of a PDF file always look the same. Doesn’t matter where you open it. On a tablet, desktop, Linux / Mac / Windows computer. A truly platform independent file format. Compare that to opening a .doc or .docx is a different version of Microsoft Word or free Office versions. PDF has none of the nightmares. Except …

PDF viewer

To open PDF files you need a special viewer. With for example .. and my personal favorite: … although most internet browsers / tablets / smartphones / Google Docs / modern operating systems come with a built-in viewer these days.

Drawbacks of PDF

Unless using special tools, you cannot edit a PDF file. Sometimes you can copy/past text. Which is actually a benefit. As in some cases you might need to first install a PDF viewer.

Why not use PDF in the present

It all depends what you are trying to do. I wouldn’t write IC tutorials — if I were you — in PDF. As HTML (the document format that’s used on every internet page) was designed to do so much more and better, is indexed by Google far more efficiently. Thanks to WordPress it’s super easy these days to make an internet page and rank higher in Google. Which might result get you signups in IC you would otherwise never had. Moreover you can export website content to a PDF but not the other way around. Neither can you modify links in an easy way for your teammembers. “Nor can I with WordPress” true … hence why we developed this for you: IC overdrive … so the effort you put in once can be used by everybody in your team to get signups.

When PDF is worth considering anyway

During prospecting / presales phase it has interesting benefits. Easily attached in an email or be send through chats. As you’re physically transferring entire content, not just links/bookmarks that get lost. So it’s great for leaflets. update: AND … see addendum in comments below

How to make a PDF?

Easy. Almost every document / presentation creation program supports “export to PDF”. Microsoft Word/Powerpoint, Apple Pages, Google Docs, Google Chrome (browser). Or you can install a piece of extra software (on Windows) so you can literally print any file, and create a PDF file of it, with … like to add pictures / screencaptures into your documents?

See: (use search) … for a couple of easy/free suggestions.

Now the reason I’m writing this FB doc thingy

Teambuilder PDF

Because of my focus on the Dutch market for IC as announced earlier; I took the down the Roadmap for CCM website. Only got 24 hours in a day like everybody else. But … what about the teambuilder?? Well here’s where PDF might be interesting. Instead of using complex algorithms to generate an unique link (as disclosed a little of in this screenshot with a custom code VERY complex website and to then still generate a flow that make sense? Myeah. So why not just use a 6-ish page PDF manual-a-like content? That explains exactly what the website would describe otherwise, except in an ebook-alike easy-read article/review format. How the tools (with additional income streams) complement IC, and how you should use them. And then end the PDF, with a special link to a website that generates a personalised PDF with YOUR reflinks. Fully automatically. How cool would that be? And not impossible cause I developed such a thing before a decade ago. Hmm … but to generate such a PDF I would first need to create the content anyway, so why not do both? :o) ohhhh goody! The wonders of technology. Back to nerding. ETA? When it’s finished.

And why this article ain’t a PDF? One button less to click for me and for you. :-p

P.S. Oh hold on … another supercool addendum. Did you know you can easily earn money by writing tutorials / manuals about whatever it is that you feel like worth sharing; any hobby or skill? To earn money selling PDF files? Without a webshop and without wordpress? Have a premade environment and process payment with either creditcard of PayPal? Where you have to upload your stuff and start making money? Cause that’s exactly what the ‘IC Membersuite Plus’ product does. And that ‘bonus’ product on itself? Is worth $1000. And it’s included for free for anyone that’s on smartorder. Also, you can also import PDF files into IC’s dexwebinar platform:

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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