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‘Earn With Earnie’ – #IC4Life Testimonial – 2016

Hurray! Just noticed something neat in my IC backend (see picture):

<<picture coming soon>>

In case you find it difficult to read the text:

15K; perfect round number; Joined IC late in 2013 as a customer only. 1 year later started to build the biz. Built a huge frontline team in 2014. 14 out of 18 inactive users all lacked vision. Never stopped being a happy customer of IC. 2015 Terje joined. The rest is history! And there are multiple people in my downline who’ve earned more than me! #IC4Life!

May 2015: Earnie partners with Terje & James

Infact I think Terje made in 3 months what took me 3 years to earn. But that’s okay! I’m not the smartest kid on the block when it comes to building any business. I’m just great with ‘tech’ And together we build CCM (which is a teambuilder-a-like project on top of the hybrid compensation plan of IC):

But what if … I had quit as well in 2014? When my entire frontline was distracted by shiny ball syndrome? Persistence pays folks.

Lifechanging income ?

That depends on what your definition of lifechanging is! But what the total earnings doesn’t reflect is when IC added a whole bunch of high value products in February 2015 without increasing their price point.


How Much I Saved with IC

Around March 2015 I started to get serious about how many residual costs I could eliminate by moving ALL my hosting (and other things) to IC. $500-600 per month ever since. So that’s $6000-7200 per year decrease in online business overhead! Or a part-time income gain in savings. Matter of perspective.

Neither does the Total amount of 15K include $2000 in carbonuses, nor multiple contest prices upto $1500. Nor does it include the 10,000USD in my offline bitcoin wallet that went up in smoke during summer 2014 when my laptop burned out; was in tears! Until I found out IC’s cloudbackup saved me! Cause I took the 5 minute effort to install it a year earlier and forgot it was even doing it’s ‘thing’. Hence why it’s part of our CycleClubMembers fast start / team welcome these days.

note: no, these are not photoshopped pictures. Click on them to be taken to the proof to IC's share page. Infact for those who are

Non-Monetary Recognition

And just as awesome is how IC rewards leadership with certificates, like:

For helping people like James ...

... make his dream come true. Taking his wife and 5(!) kids to Disneyland Paris in December 2015. Yes James is a busy man!

Top-Male-MLM-Networker-2015earnie-rhyker-top100-male-mlm-networker-20153rd Party Validation & Recognition

Or how I was voted a Top100 (#76) Male Networkmarketer for IC at next to other giants in the industry like Randy Gage, Holton Buggs, Tim Sales, Juha Parhalia, David Wood, Dexter Jager, Johnny Wimbrey, and many others.

Note: For those who are interested in more facts & figures? In March 2014 and March 2015 Ingreso Cybernetico was voted a Top 100 company with The Best Compensation Plan in the Industry. In October 2014 the Poll Started for Top Direct Selling Companies in the World where we finished IC finished at #72. And more recent; in July 2015 we secured #164 and in September 2015 #127 in the Direct Selling Companies with the most momentum based on revenue.


Formula for Financial Freedom

So yeah I'm pretty happy for everything we accomplished thus far:) But cannot wait to help others earn these type of paychecks faster than Terje has. Or double, triple my own earnings. Infact let me show you the proof of that too. As we are all about the straight up / transparant approach. And what the formula of financial freedom really entails. Watch:


Earnie's Personal Goals

And my income goal is not to be the next millionaire. My goal is to earn $3000 per month in residual income  with this:

IC's toolboxbundle featuring high quality product for any online business owner, but cloudbackup is something every computer owner needs AND wants. Maybe you're not into Bitcoin like I am. But how much are your pictures, movies, documents worth? You can safeguard them all for $25 per month. Are there other companies offering backup solutions out there for much less? Yes. They don't pay 80% uni-level commission (cash)back to their happy customers / product ambassadors for referring other happy customers. Nor store the last 30 versions of every file, have apps for Android/iPhone, etc. Or what about being one of the few companies in this space that have 100% Paypal support. So don't have a VISA/Mastercard? No problem with Ingreso Cybernetico. Superfast payout to bankwire an affordable debitcard. Anyway, got sidetracked for a minute there!

To continue with my other goals To help others run break-even on cost (both business, total cost and life), so they remain happy customers even if they don't make money. To give back more to the team, to charity ... but most importantly? Every $ I've earned more than $1000 to cover my entire cost of living at for the past two years? Goes straight to my mom for early retirement. My mom is the reason I work my butt off. What's yours? Cause even if you are involved in other home based businesses? Nowhere else do you get so much for a puny $25 per month and insane return in earnings, value, team. So even in your darkest days? Keep at it. It's worth everything; the hardship, learning curves, the no's during prospecting, etc. And massive gratitude for allowing all teamleaders to do through you what no else can do on our own. Leave a positive ripple for change! #ic4life. Looking forward to welcome you to our family (cause we really have a teamculture 2nd to none) as either a business builder or a happy customer!


Final Thoughts: Is It Difficult to Earn Money with IC?

When you teach yourself how to become your own best customer first? And lead with value instead of profits? And teach others to do the same? Then IC is a walk in the park! As IC's hybrid compensation plan makes it virtually impossible not to make money. Disclaimer: Which is a dangerous claim to make indeed, as due to legal requirements I have to write how my income isn't typical and how it requires hard work to achieve results, etc. etc. But fact of the matter is? IC never was intended to be my primary business opportunity; thus I never really got started. Build it very part-time. Shared it with a couple of friends, who told a few, etc. So if I can do it? Then with all the teamtutorials and sites in multiple languages, incentives, etc. we have available as of January 2016? Well I will let you be the judge of that. But for sure there's plenty of opportunity to save a lot of money!


You've reached the end of this testimonial. Scroll up when you think you missed something, or just join for a $25 no-brainer decision!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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