Serving The Planet

My Projects Progress (ToDo List and Changelog): January 2018

Right … last year was an interesting one with trying to launch all the projects on the Options4ALL roadmap. I didn’t fail … but didn’t quite succeed either. Many people have absolutely no idea what it takes to pull it off! But as the late Steve Jobs once said:

If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.

And indeed it does! However to still be able to launch everything I have in mind in this lifetime instead of the next I have to do things differently than all the other years I’ve been working on it. Hence why introducing this new monthly recurring posts, with everything I still have to do (better) and keeping tabs on all the changes.

My Projects progress: todo list / changelog

Disclaimer: what I show / share below is only a fraction of everything thats going on, but should give you a basic idea what goes on ‘behind the scenes’. Split into 3 sub categories.

High Priority

In the last week of 2017 a lot of companies and their cloud based tools / infrastructure /  building blocks decided to upgrade their software which has caused severe problems for my own projects. For example: losing MySQL DB access for all WP sites due to a VestaCP update. And through some quick hacks (by enabling root access) its obviously working — as you’re eyeballing this — however its not what it used to and has to be! Even more so as I just found out I cannot add nor modify anything through the webserver control panels  Sorted in order of priority.

  1. Re-install “Tesla” (Production server); the follow-up to the Aventador-server I touched upon in the screenshot at Options4ALL roadmap of 2017, but infinitely more powerful (scalable) …
  2. Upload B2B client projects to Tesla-server …
  3. Migrate important WP projects — including this blog — to Tesla-server.
  4. Re-install “Ferrari” | Project testing & management server (where this blog is running on to) …
  5. Re-instate WP central management backend …
  6. Reupload all testing projects …
  7. Re-install / migrate all B2B client projects …

The good news: it also presents an opportunity to do a lot of things that were planned for much later RIGHT NOW. The bad news: it all has to be done within hours what usually takes weeks. And severely messes with what I was hoping to do; like celebrating new year!!! Instead been coding and working 20 hours per day for the past couple of days.

Medium Priority

Due for release in Week number 2-3 of January 2018 (what was originally scheduled for last week of 2017).

Webhosting related

  • migrated to to match branding …
  • Re-launch EKPC.NL v2018
  • Fix the ‘banners’ hosting account …
  • Upgrade ‘Project BST’ =
  • Install EDD / Gravity e-commerce environment on ComputerNerdinside’s front-end, as explained in this FB post.
  • Pre-launch ‘Project OPB’ = OnsPlanB.NL
  • Setup WP plugin github / bitbucket licensing server
You might also like:   My Dutch / NL WordPress Translation contributions: August 2022

API related

  • launch BST API
  • launch 3 more ‘secret’ APIs
  • Develop my Crypto currency arbitrade trading bot

My Virtual Office Space

  • Migrate all my data from my 2017 improvised Windows Budget Workstation to brand new Hackintosh ‘High Sierra’ workstation …
  • Order & setup my 1st GPU mining & local MMX rendering farm
  • Setup a Cloud / Streaming / Torrent Box / RDP environment
  • Setup a NAS environment … achieved!
  • Upgrade my office workstation from 1x SSD to 2x500GB RAID0 array … achieved!
  • Upgrade my office workstation from 8GB to 16GB RAM … achieved!
  • Re-setup the OS virtualization environment on my workstation … achieved!
  • Purchase & re-setup the cloud virtualization environment … achieved!

In fact all these virtual offices related upgrades? Were originally scheduled for December 2016! Re-scheduled for April 2017, and again re-scheduled for August 2017. So all this time I’ve been running a ‘skeleton-setup’ and getting things done, but not nearly as fast nor great as I like to!

Normal Priority & Unsorted ToDo’s

In no particular order and doing these in between everything else

  • Bring all my notes of the past 3 years to this blog
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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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