Serving The Planet

The Lawnmower Man Story

I’m a ‘techy’ / computernerd by trade. One of my passions for the past 20 years, is helping consumers and fellow entrepreneurs with their Information Technology challenges. Throughout the years I’ve also built up a website portfolio with a lot of professional networkers. As such I’ve worked with, been trained by, or have friendship with some of THE most amazing leaders in the industry. Which has given me an unique perspective of what’s available in making money online. An example of a testimonial: “Ernst Kasteleijn, is one of the best IT guru’s in the world. If you have an IT wish or a terrible problem, he can fix it. I am a proud customer!” ~ Ted Nuyten, Founder & Chariman
Ted runs a blog, servicing 150,000+ global readers a month, on network marketing insiders information with regards to company reviews, top earners, alexa rankings, etc. Knowing everything about every company might sound nice to some, but it’s actually the other way around. Can chose out of too many great companies.So the question that’s been bothering me for a while is … “What is the best company to team up with?” This is how one of my mentors (Diamond Elite Steve Mitchell) replied to it:

I was given a great bit of advice a long time ago by a good friend (who happens to be one of the top Herbalife distributors in the world making tens of millions) … he said ‘adopt the attitude that all opportunities are great, and all opportunities are equal – then you are left with deciding on the company you like most, working with a company and management you respect, with other distributors you like, with products you feel offer great value and you can promote, then once you’ve found that

… go to work!’ His thinking (and it’s completely correct) that all MLM opportunities require the same amount of effort over the long-term … they all require finding people, showing them product and opportunity, answering their questions, registering those that say ‘yes’, and then teach and duplicate these same actions  … ALL opportunities require these same daily actions …

So his advice was “find a lawn you like playing on, with friends you enjoying playing with, then go to work and mow it!”  … the lawn is almost irrelevant as long as YOU are happy playing on it.  Then focus on YOUR lawn, because every time you change you have to learn all over again and start again to mow it …once you have your lawn starting to look good, don’t jump the fence to find another otherwise you’ll be starting all over again, which is exhausting.

However most people didn’t seek for a network marketing opportunity. They got introduced to it by a friend (that’s how the marketing model works; worth-of-mouth advertising), and based on the enthousiasm in the room and seeing the bigger (money) picture you signed up. However after a while you find out it’s not for you, etc. It’s a lot like marriage — as Double Diamond Nelis van de Wateringen says it best — how many girlfriends did you have before getting married?So overtime you get picky, but after doing a LOT of due diligence, I found a company with
  • Outstanding binary compensation plan, with low qualification level, and $50,000 per business center
  • No high monthly purchase orders or qualification requirement (qualify for as little as $20 p.m.)
  • Affordable to all (can start for $125)
  • No physical products to ship, stock or sell!
  • No global barriers, digital product that doesn’t require shipping; we are open in 217 countries!
  • CEO with credible reputation and 20+ experience in MLM as ‘one-of-us’
  • Rock solid, debt-free, 5 year old company with massive momentum (no startup!)
  • Approved by Direct Selling Association, DSEI (Dubai) and a BBB A rating
  • No travelling to hotel meetings. It’s all built from the comfort of home using the latest web & video teachnology.
  • The multi-language (native translations) back-end is set up in such a way that you don’t need ANY computer knowledge.
  • Instant Pay! We are the only MLM company in the world to pay with instant pay (that means the money is in your bankaccount within 3 minutes!)
And it’s truly something every self respecting business owner or networker needs in this day and age.
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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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