Serving The Planet

How to Live without a Cellphone AND VOIP 2013 Digital Nomad Setup

I received an email yesterday with subject:

Call2Skype: 06xxxxxxxx

Huh? What’s that?!

Well I had my suspicions! But they are true! One of my VOIP suppliers — Budgetphone — has a new feature; phone number recognition!

My VOIP setup


Website: (best betamax supplier IMHO)
App support: yes, mobilevoip (iOS & Android)
Advantages: crazy low rates compared to skype + ‘Freedays’
Disadvantages: no group calls


App support: yup, plenty
Advantages: SkypeIN and call routing
Disadvantages: need to be online, otherwise voicemail, expensive rates for calling


Website: BudgetPhone.NL Call2Skype: €24,50/year
Advantages:  Call routing to a Dutch number of choosing (way cheaper than SkypeIN)
Disadvantages: not being able to see who’s calling (caller ID hidden) used to be a disadvantages, but that now seems solved!

So why do I still have a Cellphone?

Ehhh … cause people expect me to? That’s a rubbish reason when I think about it. :D The entire “getting rid of my cellphone” thought is being emphasised by listening to a lot of training video’s of David Wood. What would live be like without a CellPhone?


A lot of people don’t know, but I don’t have just 1 SIMcard, I have another simcard cellphone number in the UK and 1 down in Cyprus, but not using them much.


Passed me by really. I have it installed, don’t understand it, and almost nobody on my list is using it (properly)

What does it take to get rid of my cellphone?

Put an ad up on MarktPlaats, sell it and done … but … I also have it all over the internet in profiles, and 2-step verification:

  • 12voip caller ID … fixed
  • google 2-step verification … fixed
  • Marktplaats business profile … fixed
  • Marktplaats personal profile … fixed

 And that’s IT really! From now on no more cellphone for me!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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