Serving The Planet

Randy Gage’s Speaker Preview Video

For more than 20 years, Randy Gage has been helping people transform self-limiting beliefs into self-fulfilling breakthroughs to achieve their dreams. Visit

Get Your People Into Action!

Powerful Programs that Inspire Results

For your next conference or convention, bring in a powerful, dynamic presenter who will inspire your people to action! Get Randy Gage and his heart-warming story of rising from a high school dropout to a multi-millionaire will touch their hearts, challenge their beliefs, and stimulate their minds.

Randy gets to the root causes of procrastination, doubt and inactivity – and shows your people how to overcome these fears to win! His motivating message is exactly what your people need to get past uncertainty and indecisionand into action that gets positive results. You get fired-up, productive people, and youll look like a hero. More importantly, youll see the positive results, long after the conference is over.

Randy doesnt speak to bankers, accountants, or engineers, so dont bother asking. He works only with sales and marketing audiences – the front line people charged with selling product and/or recruiting others. Randy is a world-renowned marketing expert, having trained people on seven continents. His dynamic, totally customized, and compelling programs are dead on, tailored to help your people break through to higher confidence, massive action, and more sales. No other speaker you book brings Randys real-world experience, knowledge, and passion to the table.

Randy does thorough pre-event research and customizes the program for your company, products and situation. His unique, and captivating stories could be told by no one else. Your people receive a program thats fast-paced, fun, and packed with usable information on how to achieve more.

Give Randy the opening keynote and kick off your conference with a detonation. Or have him as your closing keynoter and send your people out the door energized into action. Either way, your conference will be more successful, your people will thank you, and youll get the credit for arranging it. Randy is often booked years in advance, so move fast!

High Content, Captivating Programs That Make

You Look Great!

Programs Available:

“Seize Your Future!”

Building Bigger Results by Building Bigger Dreams

This dynamic program will show your people how to create a dream that will electrify them into action. They will discover how this vision enters their subconscious and directly dictates what kind of expectations they set, the beliefs they develop, and then the actual results they create. More . . .

“Conquer Doubt—Create Destiny”

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs to Increase Productivity

Conquer Doubt, Create Destiny will teach your people how to reach deep, and access their inner power to achieve greatness. Everyone has this power, Randy will reveal how to unleash it. More . . .

These Clients Loved Randy. You Will Too!

Agel * Aktiva * Arbonne * AVON * Biogime * Cell Tech * Envion * Foreverliving Products * Herbalife * Infinum * Mannatech * Neways * Norlink *Oxyfresh * Oriflame * Seven * Shaklee *Sunrider * Vita-Corp

Call: 316-942-1111

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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