Serving The Planet

[SOLVED] Rhyker, Why Are You So ‘Negative’ ?

Shared the answer to this retoric question on my facebook profile a few day ago.

In light of recent video recordings

Is Empower Network a scam?

No! It’s great a company with excellent training and an even stronger community.

That’s why I was a customer for 16 months.

I don’t work with companies or products that are scams!

Never the less I quit Empower Network for some strong — but personal — reasons.

Rhyker, Why Are You So ‘Negative’ then?

This is what I shared about that specifically on FaceBook:

Had a very pleasant facebook conversation yesterday, that ended with him typing:

“I’m always around so feel free to hit me up man.. always enjoy talking to someone a bit more on my level”

What level would that be?


Straight up, just saying how things are, transparency, honesty, clarity!

I still find it interesting how some people confuse that with “negativity”.

We don’t think in problems, we think in solutions … out loud  That’s maybe it?

Try to keep up, and stop the stinking thinking … cause we make your clients’ world go round. Whomever accused me of ‘negativity’ in the past … I sell truth, not lies, deal with it. Nerds bring solutions, not increase problems, cause if we do? Then we are out of business very fast. Opposed to marketers … who can sell shit, and be celebrated for it. Yeah … it’s an unfair world. But still I prefer being me; a nerd.

… and yeah I do care how people think about me, although marketers tell me that ain’t important. Go figure why …

Update (responses to the message)

A response from my good buddy (and developer of EN PowerTool Submitter), James Galloway from the UK:

Most let their ego drive them anyway, aint worth nothing in my book. Your awesome Earnie, this is exactly why me and the Norge boys get you to look at stuff we do, to be honest about it so we can improve thinks. Doesnt mean I always agree with you  but that makes the world go round. I choose you over any guru at the end of an email list any day.

So we can consider it “solved”

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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