Serving The Planet

What are you working at? When is it going to launch? My 2015 Projects Sneak Preview and prelaunches

So many of you know me as the “computer guy”. That WAS a hobby … till exactly a decade ago. Past 10 years I haven’t really developed that particular skillset though; yet I have turned it into a company, and it blessed to pay most of my bills from it.

Not many people do know what else I do, can do, working at or what other skills I’ve been crafting.

For the past 6 months been quietly working on a lot of things. As developer, consultant, ‘only’ networker / independent affiliate, etc. Quite often — as an indepent affiliate myself — I ask questions like:

When is it going to launch?

The answer is always the same:

When it is ready!

And I hate that answer!

I mean … what kind of an answer is that?

Isn’t there a schedule with deadlines and milestones and all? As any big undertaking usually does? And then instead of an answer I get a question:

Oh you mean like this one?

Ehhh yeah … or well ehm.

Nuf said right?

They were ready for launch (because of deadlines) … or maybe they should have ran more tests? That’s millions of dollars down the drain. Could it have been prevented?

So things can only be launched right the first time . Another more real life example? ‘Connect Give Share’ was ready in August 2014,  took it down to ‘quick fix’ a few things and 4 months later? It’s still into development stage. Frustrating indeed. Try to create something of your own for the masses and you soon find out it’s everything but easy

What else am I working at (prelaunches)

What’s keeping me distracted from finishing #TCGS? Well plain simply? The projects that run within it. TCGS is just a framework; the umbrella I always wanted to have when I first started with … but what good is an umbrella without rain?

Cryptic eh?

So what is it that I’m working at exactly?

As visionary / developer / co-owner

Quite a few things, as you can see another sneak preview and status report of here.
But that really doesn’t cover the half of it; those are just projects of my own.

Ever since I got involved into Bitcoin (which is exactly over a year ago). I partnered up with a guy that I co-own a lot of projects with. What started as 1 project, evolved into multiple ones. And the only thing they have in common is most of them only have bitcoin as an additional payment processor, next to iDeal / SoFort / PayPal / Creditcard. Most of them started out as webshops with affiliate programs, but all turned in community driven projects. ETA? Unknown. Every time some of it is finished, we get an idea for a bigger project that encompasses all previous ones in an easier way way and brings more profit at lower prices for everybody AND supports good causes.

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As a consultant / tester

Can’t tell. Simply not allowed to. What I can share is it would be smart to contact me about them. Specifically if you understand Dutch or are from The Netherlands. But there’s an additional one launching soon too. Not quite sure yet if I have the time to be engaged with it.

As a networker / independent affiliate

As if I’m not busy enough already? Also started as an passive affiliate with 2 new hosting companies, as well as will be rejoining 1 of my previous MLM ventures (keep an eye out on my linkedin account: rhyker2u). As well as FMC (which is a spin-off from TCGS. To be continued that’s all I can say (sorry)

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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