Serving The Planet

MPT – Newsletter September 2008

Newsletter Agents – Issue September 2008


1. Introduction monthly newsletter

2. Overview events for September 2008 (webinars and live events)

3. New MPT auto trade software August 08 – exclusive for MPT agents

4. Links and contact info


Ik zal ze er niet allemaal uitlichten … wat echter wel interessant is, is punt 3!

Sophisticated auto trade software integrated in your personal MPT platform


You are only days away from MPT’s newest and most exiting step ever made. After years of testing, failing, testing again, sleepless nights and exiting results we are ready to enter the market. The new asset is as you must understand not us trading for you! It is a great piece of software you as an MPT agent freely can use week in and week out. It is almost like trading yourself, but with a little technological help with no emotions we believe it will perform to your liking. Here are a few points that will help you understand even more:

    • Enter or Exit any time during weekend for participation the coming week.
    • Agents must themselves cancel if they do not wish to continue.
    • Maximum risk within the same week is 20% of inserted (original) amount.
    • No limit on profit – we want to chase the best result possible each week.
    • Minimum equity to start: €1000, maximum: €10 000 (only increments of €1000 allowed).
    • Trading will be conducted with Pip Value at 1 per €1000.
    • Trade by trade results will be visible in the trading platform maximum 30 minutes after market closing on Fridays.
    • Full commission to all 4 agents on all trades. This will then also be paid out at the same time.


Already this week we have live participants testing the software with their own money on their own platforms. We kept it at a small and controlled environment to make sure everything is working to the very best standards. We want you to feel safe and other MPT agents are taking the first steps to assure you and your clients that all is well. Pay attention to our web site and event calendar to get the latest update. NB! We are taking in a new bulk of agents Friday 29-08-08 and open the auto trade for all MPT agents Friday 05-09-08.

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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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