Serving The Planet

Jan Hammer – Crockett’s Theme (performed live by Kebu @ Dynamo, 2012)

The song was performed using only ANALOG synthesizers, either played live or sequenced. Synth equipment: Korg Polysix, Poly 61 (through a SansAmp GT2), Mono/Poly, Micro-preset M500; Roland TR-808, Jomox AirBase99, Juno 60, Alpha Juno 1&2; Touched-by-sound DRM1, Oberheim Matrix 6R, Yamaha RM1x (only for MIDI sequencing), Behringer DDX3216, Lexicon MPX500, as well as a midi patchbay and additional preamps for the mixer.

The performance was recorded line-in to one of the cameras. The ambience in the club was recorded using the built-in microphones on two of the remaining cameras and mixed together with the line signal.  Cameras: Canon HF100 (x2) and HF200.

Kebu always liked this tune and was inspired when he heard Michael Cassette’s version. So for his live performance he made an arrangement that was influenced by both versions, but put his own twist on it. The tune ended his show in Dynamo, Turku, where this video was recorded 5th May 2012. Unfortunately, he only had three camcorders going and the heavy bass drum in the club made the cameras vibrate with each beat. But the feeling was so high in the club that he definitely wanted to upload this particular take!

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