Serving The Planet

Team Builds Are Not For Everyone!

We’ve already demistified quite a few controversial subjects over the past few years.

Here are just two:

So I’m glad I’m not the only one who notices a flaw in something else, which is:

To All FreeToolbox Members

Hi Earnie ‘Rhyker’ ,

As you know, we have added a Team Build function.  Adding it directly into an existing program is a totally new concept so it is a bit of a feeling out process.

Over the past 2 weeks we have received very helpful feedback from some groups, particularly Bryan Holstrom, David Jackson and Adriana G.  Thank you very much for your insights and patience!

We are adding a removal function so the Team Administrator can remove someone and in the member back office they can remove themselves from the Team Build too.

Team Builds Are Not For Everyone!

A Team Build link is used by everyone in the Team Build and the system puts only PAID people into the rotator.  We have adjusted it to only put PAID members in the actual buildand holds non-paid people in a holding tank until they pay.

Thus on the join page the the sponsor was blank until they pay which is when they are designated to the next position.  This will be changed in the next 1-2 days to have the name of the Team Build instead of being blank as it is confusing to some people.

 Team Builds are not for everyone.  However they are a helpful function for those that need it.  Please do tno feel obligated to do one or join one unless it’s right for you.

Team Builds are generally not good for those that can or want to sponsor many people directly because they are all given to others in the group.  Your imcome in a Team Build is dictated to factors beyond your direct control.

For those wanting to participate in one, the most important factor is that it is a TEAM effort.  It’s not a “some people do all the work for the other 95% effort”.  Everyone needs to do theiur part and exponentially build the TEAM.  How?  easy.  You are one person.  Go get two that do the same and the TEAM explodes by doubling each time.  Everyone runs to the bank.

However, it’s the passive people that do nothing but expect to be paid, which have always been the issue.  This must be avoided at all costs and NEVER promoted in a Team Buildeffort.  It brigs that sugar rush which is quick growth followed by the inevitable crash.  It’s death by stagnation as the people working it can’t bring in enough people for those not working it.  The people not working it are the first to complain when they are the ones not doing their part.  Those promoting it that way are also to blame because they built it the wrong way.

A solid Team Build is built by solid people that understand and agree on the concept of theTEAM and are willing to do their part.  Nothing else.  It’s that simple.

I hope everyone reading this that is in or considering a Team Build as part of their efforts takes what I said to heart.

Which is why we setup “Connect Give Share”. Read the review here. It’s not THE answer, but it solves a few issues.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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