Serving The Planet

Travel to Romania

Departure preparation for Bucharest Romania

Period of stay


sunday 8th May – sunday 22th May ? => 14 days

Preferred to travel in afternoon


# ElvisVillaHotel: 10 euro dorm (a lot of free stuff, be able to stay upto 31 nights, Airport pick up, disadvantge: 10-12 dorm, but a 21 customers 85% average rating!) … definitely my first choice! ->
# Youth Hostel Villa Helga: 9.94 euro dorm … second choice ->
# Villa 11: 10-18 euro (no internet/lockers/guest kitchen/telephone/bbq, fairly expensive, but also nice breakfast and 26 customers 75% average rating) … can be third choice if the 4 bed mixed dorm a 10 euro
# Hostel Casa: 12 euro dorm (pretty low rating, but nice facilities, can not stay longer than 14 nights)
# Funky Chicken Hostel: 8 euro drm (no breakfast/internet/lockers/telephony/bbq)
# Vila Gabriela: 10-15 euro (no room before 14th)
# Dida’s House: 12-15 euro (bad rating, poor location?)

Which hotel (concerning location) you think is most suitable? What do you prefer?


-> 30 euro (excluding discount) -> 35 euro -> 30-40 euro

-> 40 euro

Train + flight tickets

including return

Train (per trip)# Enschede – Amsterdam schiphol => 13 euro incl. student reduction / 2,25 hour trip
# Enschede – Maastricht => 17 euro incl. student reduction / 4,5 hour trip
# Enschede – Munchen => 20 euro
# Enschede – Dusseldorf Flughafen => 2* 27-35 euro / 2,75-3,25 hour trip
# Enschede – Brussel => ? / 5 hour trip

Flight:Romanian airports info:

# Munich – Bucharest OTP (360 euro), Amsterdam – Bucharest OTP (300 euro)
# KLM website: Amsterdam – Bucharest (292 euro, 3.5h)
# Air France: Amsterdam – Paris – Bucharest (282 euro, 5.25h)
# : huh? they were very cheap! but they don’t seem to fly anymore :-s

I can’t imagine it can’t be cheaper. I also searched 2 hours for bus and/or international train, but can’t find shit! grrrr

update: 2 May 2005. Found flight alternatives! Thanks to

# KLM … 3 flight’s a day … 295 euro
# (leaves from Maastricht to Bucharest Baneasa), booking up front can be as low as 38 euro! Normally 200-250 euro
# Allitalia
# SkyEurope:
# ,
# ,

Total Costs

# Accommodation costs (including travel insurance): 140 euro, 10% Deposit / Downpayment of of 14 euro => USD21.07 (incl. 2 USD for service charged)
# Travel Insurance @ HostelWorld: 18.75 USD … Unive is cheaper! en kan online!
# Expenses: ehh I dunno … Hehe what exactly are we/am I going to do all day? You seem pretty busy most of the time, don’t want to interrupt your schedule.# train + plane tickets: 312 euro

Total sum, about 450 euro excluding expenses (trips, lunch, dinner, etc.) … which is still pretty cool considering the money I save (about 400 euro) by going to a Hostel instead of a Hotel!

If the flight was cheaper I could almost come over every weekend … hahaha

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    • Omnilogic BGS
    • Scop
    • S&T -> Junior Accountmanager –
    • Trend
    • Flamingo (also in the Netherlands! opportunities!)
    • (including jobsearches at bottom right!)

Real estate

Calling cheap -> cheap regular rates to Romania (3 cpm!) -> cheap cellpone rates to Bucharest

Useful addresses

Ambassade van Roemenie

Catsheuvel 55

2517 KA Den Haag

tel: 070-3543796 prikbord ->

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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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