Serving The Planet

Is your Windows desktop, laptop, hybrid slow? Bugged? Or do you think your safe? Let’s put it to the test …

Yes … it’s a long read, but increasing awareness and making a change never is easy. And you will love this! As most of us have spend a substantial amount of money on great computer hardware, just like we do on a car. Isn’t it then interesting that you check your car by a mechanic (with a check-up / MOT / APK) once a year? So you and everybody else on the highway is more secure and insured of safety?


How often do you screen your personal computer / laptop by a professional computer engineer? “ehhh cause it’s not really necessary?” Yeah that’s what most users think (and 95% of them are wrong). You spend more time behind your computer than in your car. And you can ‘drive’ a lot faster on the digital highway!

Are you still under the impression that by installing a bunch of software you might have googled together, that your computer is protected from all kinds of scary things that lure around the internet? Is it really? Cause in my 25+ years of experience in supporting consumers — for DELL, ASUS, Belkin as well as freelance, and through my company EKPC — it usually is the opposite.

ccm-scancircle-free-computer-diagnoseHow about we put that to the test? I closed an awesome partnership with a Dutch company (no worries their interface is in English too) who developed a tool that will scan your computer under the hood for most common problems, free, fast & easy to use, 100% anonymous & safe. It only takes 15 seconds of your time. Afterwards you get full blown report with improvement suggestions and a scan score. Any score below 8 (out of 10) means your computer needs maintenance.

Need additional help? I’m just a mouse click away. And doing something very special for the EA community (in all timezones). Giving you upto 90 minutes of my time for only $45. To turn your computer from a Swiss cheese, into the swiss army knife it’s supposed to be So you can do more in less time, work more efficiently, and be safe. Which is way better than to be sorry. True or true? No need to spend money upfront though; let’s first help yourself by performing the free scan:

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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