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Acer eRecovery Updating Systems Stops at 99% [Quick Fix Solution]

Right! A problem a lot of people seem to suffer from, first starts with:

BOOTMGR is Missing

hmm …

Easy Solution?

You just put in the Windows 7 recovery disc, to pull up a command prompt, and execute:

  • bootrec /fixboot

And just to be sure (while there):

  • bootrec /fixmbr

But … that doesn’t fix the problem.

Still the same at bootup.

BOOTMGR is Missing

So now what?

Troubleshooting and 99%

Hmm Acer laptop!

  • Power On laptop
  • ALT-F10 to enter eRecovery mode
  • Chose the recovery method that you like

25 minutes later … 99%.
30 minutes later … 99%.
1 hour later still at 99%.
2 hours later still at 99%.

… with harddisk light on; so it’s doing something?

Time to power if off. Power it on again, and …

BOOTMGR is Missing


The Real Solution!

Boot from CD/DVD with Ultimate Boot, Hiren or some other multi-boot CD.

Fire up a partition manager and make the ACER drive “active”, save settings.

Reboot … and bam! It boots! And finishes up the installation process. FIXED IT!

Update: determining the cause of a problem is not always possible. But in this case, it’s pretty obvious. During the complimentary data recovery (requested by this customer) there are bad sectors on the drive. Which is probably the reason the bootsectors of the drive were affected in the first place. And during restoration the laptops gets very hot. 60C and hotter. Which is (again) due to heat built up in the laptop; dust preventing a clear and proper airflow. And thus showcasing how computer maintenance is mandatory at least once a year, and not once every 4 …

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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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