Serving The Planet

Ideas Worth Sharing: My Declaration of Intent April 2016

“It’s March 30th of 2016. Almost the start of a new month, and I’m still in FaceBook (groups)jail for 4 more days. So let’s make the announcement here”. That how I started this note on FB. 1 day later also created my first linkedIN pulse message. But let’s also publish it on my blog. Thus continue reading below if you haven’t seen what my declaration of intent is about. Or was about …

My goals for April 2016

… are simple, but I need your help for them.

3 of My Ideas Worth sharing

  1. I desperately need to hit Fiverr Level 1 reseller (again) on my re-activated 5+ years old account (see link further down the page) . As such I need at least 50 new orders in April , and new positive reviews to boost my ranking from the current 88% to more than 90%. Thus offering services worth $25-250 each, at extremely low rates of $5 for a limited time.fiverr-marketplaceUpdate 2nd April: found a cool win-win ‘loophole’! When you do not have a Fiverr account yet? Create one through to get your 1st order for FREE! A very high in demand service I offer is for example: Not going to order something? That’s okay. Spread the word by sharing this page, or any of my services please.Update 2nd April: found a cool win-win ‘loophole’! When you do not have a Fiverr account yet? Create one through to get your 1st order for FREE!
  2. Been practising for 2 months with developing my own WordPress plugins (after being a WordPress Professional for already 10+ years), and once I hit Goal #1 ? Will launch some high quality FREE plugins that will blow your mind. Keep an eye out on
  3. Average $100+ per day in profits* myself, so I can start thinking about moving to Aruba:
    … or Gran Canaria. Either way I need a change of scenery and more sunshine to be more productive; balancing business and pleasure. To help 1000s of entrepreneurs.

*) as every single penny I’ve made the past 2 years (a high 5-figure income); has been reinvested in further tools, education, hosting, plugins, paying bills, hardware infrastructure, etc. And it was worth IT! As shared in this ‘gratitude post’ at 28Jan16:

but I’m not there … yet.

Will you help me?
By allowing me to help you?
Looking forward working for/with you!

best regards,
Earnie Rhyker Kasteleijn

P.S. my declaration of intent is about something BIG, which I recorded a very personal video testimonial about exactly 1 year ago. That I might upload to my FB profile in a couple of days for what’s coming in May. But IT won’t matter if I don’t 1st hit my goals for April. Can I count on you to Pay IT Forward?

Need a clue? You’re on the right site already See this:

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Update 20APR16: 0 orders. And it ain’t the first time I’m seeing this interesting trend. So instead going to relaunch a couple of things earlier.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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