Serving The Planet

How to Add Extra Up-sale Choices into Your Fiverr Gigs?

In case you missed it? I’ve actually have put up a gig for Computer Support:


Premium support at $5 ?!

Yes … sorta …

have you lost your mind?! Why don’t you offer your services at Elance, Guru, Freelancer, Odesk, or some other outsourcing site to get paid what you are worth!!! You’re worth 20-fold.

Thx! I’m aware of that. But there’s a reason for IT … that I cannot share with you yet, as it’s being programmed in my batcave. But that other important reason is … upselling.

How to Add Extra Up-sale Choices into Your Fiverr Gigs?

I can indeed fix most computer  issues within 20 minutes (or even less). The limit ain’t my skillset and speed I move around or in computers. The limiting factor is the speed of the Internet connection. However … sometimes, it’s nicer to take be able to take the time, for a training, or anything that takes more time (like supporting Mac, Linux and Android users) and it should actually be possible to add up-sales choices into our gigs at Fiverr!

Requirements? Terms of Service? Upgrades?

But been battling with things for 24+ hours now, and can’t seem to figure out …

“Fiverr is all about helping sellers leverage their skills. We seek to empower top performing sellers with helpful tools to grow their business, turning Fiverr to their main source of income.”

What helpful tools?! Tadaaa …

If you invest in self-promotion, gain great customer satisfaction, deliver on time, maintain high quality services and good ratings, you’ll earn a new level status. Each level opens new opportunities, benefits and tools to help you generate an even higher income.

So I’ve started a massive promotion campaign … and getting massive support from my TeamTissa teammates, to join them in Chicago, cause setting intentions? That was easy … and then life got in the way in ways you cannot imagine. But adversity ain’t stopping me!

When do you get XS to the up-sale choices?

  • Level ONE…… 2 gig extras / up to 4 multiple units per order
  • Level TWO….. 3 gig extras / up to 8 multiple units per order
  • TRS ………….. 4 gig extras / up to 20 multiple units per order

Update 26June2013; Fiverr has released V2 of their software, changes a few things:

  • Level ONE…… 2 gig extras / up to 4 multiple units per order of $5/$10/$20
  • Level TWO….. 3 gig extras / up to 8 multiple units per order upto $40
  • TRS ………….. 4 gig extras / up to 20 multiple units per order upto $80

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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