Serving The Planet

Talk Fusion’s International Expansion into Holland (Gateway to Europe)

This e-mail has just gone out to all be-friended International Talk Fusion Team Leaders that I know personally.

International Talk Fusion Teamleaders,

this is going to be fairly long black & white e-mail read, but it will be worth your time. I promise! And I’m not quite sure how to start it of properly.

I’m human …

Meaning, I have my ups & downs in business and life. Just like everybody else does I suppose. But … last year I was so fed up with it, that went through a ‘mental checkup’, cause the condition I seem to suffer from can be best described as ‘bi-polar depression’. Meaning in my particular case; I’ve have periods of about 3 weeks that I can work 120hours a week, and accomplish amazing things, and then BAM … then on average suffering 2 weeks of depression, heavy migraine attacks, etc. All that over a period of the past 10 years. Long story short, been diagnosed with … which has been a ‘life changing’ diagnosis, cause it explains a lot about the past, keeps me grounded in the present, and now know how to live a better in life in the future.

Are you still reading? Cool … cause the good stuff is about to come.

Three days ago I just ‘finished up’ on two weeks of ‘depression’. MLM allows me to cover up these ‘weak moments’ by leveraging on the time, enthusiasm, skills and talents of a group of people. Basically what has always been about.  Also … for the past two weeks I’ve been basically chilling. Distracting my brain by watching entire episodes of “Game of Thrones” (awesome series), reading personal development books, and watching a few key documentairies of what’s going on in the world. For example that 46 out of 52 states in the USA are near bankrupcy, and how local entrepreneurs are turning that into opportunity. That gave me an idea …

You see the great thing about Talk Fusion is, that it’s a global business. The bad thing about Talk Fusion is, that it’s a global business. The Netherlands — for many network marketing companies — is the gateway to Europe, and from there on the rest of the world. Then why the hack isn’t Holland leading the International Expansion in Talk Fusion? I had a discussion about that last year with Ted Nuyten. The result: (English translation of the Dutch article). Now for people who don’t know? The reason why is able to grow, is cause I was pulled in last year to provide consultancy and magical solutions by migrating the website and database to a hosting company that could cope with the current 250,000 visitors a month and optimise site loading times from 2-3minutes down to seconds. All that after being responsible for providing Kalpesh Patel’s his entire IT infrastructure last year to lead international expansion of the companies he was with at that particular moment in time. I stopped providing 3rd level website support cause in May 2012 decided to spend more time at building my own MLM ventures. But sure, know a thing or two about websites, but I’ve never actually used that to my own advantage on a network marketing level … till 3 days ago.

Out of nowhere (as it usually goes) — I went from a state of depression straight into Hyperfocus creativity mood (one of the great things about my ADHD ‘condition’). The past 72 hours I’ve only slept 7 hours … giving birth to a vision I’ve had for a while … to provide the foundations for massive growth of Talk Fusion in Holland. You got teams in Holland, Belgium, Suriname or South Africa? You might want to plug them into the content of Video Marketing Platform … it already is the largest independent Talk Fusion site in Holland. Has 0 reflinks, but a ton of great Talk Fusion content PLUS links to all the articles at featuring Talk Fusion PLUS … and this is really cool. Talk Fusion’s current presentations brag about providing video marketing solutions to Make a Wish foundation, DHL, and other primairily USA based commpanies. Dutch people don’t give a rats ass about that. I’m not the only stubborn guy with a ‘wait and see’-attitude… that’s our culture ;-) So I’ve also created a guide of entrepreneurs who are using Talk Fusion in Holland to boost their businesses to the next level. Both from a brand awareness point of view, as well as SEO backlinking.

When you’re ‘lucky’ to be part of my team? I seriously urge you to upgrade to Elite associate and/or get your friends & family members positioned before EVERYBODY is gonna join. There will be a lot of Dutch Diamonds in the next few weeks, because of my efforts!  When you are not part of my team? Sorry! There’s the ‘death penalty’ to cross sponsorring or repositioning yourself. Remember … we’re part of the DSA for a reason. But you can use the site to grow your Talk Fusion business in Holland.

kind regards,

Ernst ‘Rhyker’ Kasteleijn

cell: +31(0)6-13991833  / landline: +31303200034 / Skype ID: rhyker2u

“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it!”

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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