Serving The Planet

The World is Mine

Was listening to this great and peaceful soundtrack on – Chillout Radio stadion:

Indeed a David Guetta song, but this peaceful Chillout Remix (by Paul Mira) is the best IMHO.


I believe in the wonder
I believe this new life to gain
Like a God that I’m under
There’s a drugs running through my veins

I believe in the wonder
I believe I can touch the flame
There’s a spell that I’m under
Got to fly, I don’t feel no shame

The world is mine
The world is mine
The world is mine

I’ve lost my fear to war and peace
I don’t mind that
(The world is mine)
You took the price and realize
That to your eyes
(The world is mine)

Take a look what you’ve started
In the world flashing from your eyes
And you know that you’ve got it
From the thunder you feel inside

I believe in the feeling
All the pain that you left to die
Believe in believing
In the life that you give to try

The world is mine
The world is mine
The world is mine

I’ve lost my fear to what appears
I do my best
(The world is mine)
You seem surprised and realize
That to your eyes
(The world is mine)

(The world is mine)
I’ve lost my fear to what appears
I do my best
(The world is mine)
You seem surprised and realize
That to your eyes
(The world is mine)

I’ve lost my fear to what appears
I do my best
(The world is mine)
You seem surprised and realize
That to your eyes
(The world is mine)


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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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