Serving The Planet

Digital Diet March 2012: Less is more

The past few years, I’ve had several moments where I literally felt suffocated under the enormous pressure of having all kinds of social media profiles, instant messengers, etc. I’m not saying none of it works; but I am saying it eats up too much of MY time. So I’m initiating a new digital diet, cause less is more.

1. Visit

2. Sign in using your Windows Live Hotmail account and password.

3. Click “Close account” button.

  • removed my gravatar profile (actually you cannot remove it, so hiding it)
  • removed profile (not using it at the moment)

To completely delete your Tungle account, write to

  • removed my twitter profile (not using it much), and no longer care for SEO
  • disabled google chat
  • disabled google+ (it’s a powerful community, but haven’t had time to look at it)

1. Visit account settings (so not google+ link)

2. Scroll to bottom, and click link “Delete profile and Google+ features”

3. Chose Delete google+ content option

To focus more time at:

  • answering emails in my inbox (decrease response time to 24hours instead of weeks)
  • Skype (for networking)
  • Facebook (for networking)
  • LinkedIN (for networking … although I’m thinking about removing it as well)

Update 21 March 2012: Yup, removed LinkedIN + as well

Update 22 March 2012: redirected to My Google Profile Page

Update 27 March 2012: gotta say … life has been AMAZING after the digital diet (and didn’t think it would be). Much more clarity, and being focused on just a few tools and using them to their full potential, productivity has increased to an amazing new level!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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