Serving The Planet

Fix broken DVI on Acer LCD

Symptom: DVI for BIOS, initial Windows Startup Screen, and default VGA resolution works. Any other resolution gets a “No Signal” after it boots.

Problem: My Acer AL2216W DVI’s EDID got corrupted in some way. So when my video card (ATI X1950) read the EDID and saw a bad checksum it ignored the device; thus a ‘blank’ screen, where my Windows desktop once was!

Proper solution: Apply for warranty at Acer
Workaround: Connect the videocard to the LCD using RGB analogue connection (uses different EDID). Note: At high resolutions you get less screen quality when compared to using DVI.
Alternative solution; actualling fixing the problem yourself (voiding any warranty you have left). Checkout reflash EDID HowTo (PDF).

Note: For once … this is not a Windows or ATI related problem! So don’t waste time troubleshooting / reinstalling there!

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