Serving The Planet

My investment pool part I

People keep asking me “what are the best online HYIP investments on your recommendation list?”,  “Where and how much money did you put in exactly?”, “Where should I invest?”  I can’t give you exact advice, since it’s your money, but this is where I put mine:


    • $20 in YouMilex -> hopefully compounding to $31.25 next January 1st 2009in profit!


  • $35 in FXoic -> hopefully $38.75 next December 21st 2008
    in profit!



  • $57 in OlympexGroup -> hopefully $76.95 next December 30st 2008
    in profit!



  • $80 in AggeroInvestment -> hopefully $102 next December 24th 2008
    in profit!



  • $100 in InoFund -> hopefully $128.87 next December 21st 2008
    in profit!



  • $149 in FXoic -> hopefully $165 next December 26st 2008
    in profit!



  • $250 in Largesum -> hopefully $370 next December 31st 2008
    in profit!



  • $107.37 in SafeAtom -> hopefully $600 next April 15th 2009
    not paying anymore, but reached 450% profit …



  • $305 in Centasia -> hopefully ~$1000 next January 26th 2009
    not paying anymore. Total payback: $148.63. Loss: $156




8dec08: SafeAtom back online!
9dec08: Withdraw $80 profit from WOIP, and depositted into AggeroInvestment
14dec08: added YouMilex, FXoic, and reinvested initial balance at InoFund
21dec08: $38.68-35=3.68 profit in FXoic, reinvested $149 from WOIP
22dec08: compounded total profit in YouMilex, $151 withdrawn InoFund
22dec08: increased investment in Centasia from $190 to $305
25dec08: withdrawn $101 / €75 profit to my bankaccount
28dec08: Problems @ SafeAtom, Centasia
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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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