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mp3pro1986 Windows XP Slow Startup FIX

When you don’t know what this title is about? Then this information is not for you. Sim-ple. MP3pro1986 is the nick of the uploader, who has uploaded some amazing OEM slipstreamed Windows images over the years. Checkout:

I’m a long time user of the Windows XP Home SP3 OEM images, as it accepts official OEM licenses (located on the bottom of every laptop). He didn’t just slipstreamed a whole bunch of Service Pack & updates, he also left out all the crappy stuff that’s enabled by default, slimming the memory footprint down to 75-300MB at typical usage.

However, nothing can truly be perfect, neither is this May 2011 image. There’s a bug in it, causing wireless / LAN to initialise 2+ minutes AFTER startup. All this waiting time is pretty annoying. I never knew what was the cause but just found out by accident. Steps to take to solve the issue:

  1. start, run, services.msc
  2. right mouse click at webclient
  3. disable
  4. reboot

and fixed. It will still takes about 30 seconds for the WiFi / LAN services to come up, but Microsoft FrameWork 4 NGEN is too blame for that.

Resources to dig deeper into this issue:

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