Serving The Planet

My Products & Services Update June 2014

People are often confused with what EXACTLY it is I do these days. So, here’s a brief overview:

Remote Computer Tech Support

This I’ve been doing for 24+ years, and I’m great at it. This is what most of these testimonials are about. You can use my services everywhere with an internet connection for $37 per TeamViewer session; more info here … And locally in The Netherlands through EKPC.

Create Portable Cash Generation Machines

Why do you have a computer, smartphone or tablet? Only to read emails, office and watch YouTube?! Cause after everything is working as you want it too? Why not turn it into a portable cash machine? Aka earning money online! It’s not as difficult as some people try to make it seem it is. However, as one of my favourite quotes tells it all:

You cannot do what you do not know about …

Let me show and teach you how to(o) … earn a few $100 extra per week from the comfort of your own home, hotel, car? You see I do not believe any longer in ‘home based businesses’. This is the 21st century and we all are Digital Nomads.

Internet Solutions Provider: Outsourcer

As such I know a lot about ‘the techy’ stuff  around it. Looking for an outsourcer? To configure your blog? Or create a leadcapture page? Or install the latest plugins? Or SEO? Or … Just contact me.

Product Ambassador

Have you read my interview at ? More specifically with regards to this:

You see, no matter how good a payplan is, I’m above all a product user; I cannot market what I’m not passionately using myself. Basically going back to the core of what MLM is about; word-of-mouth advertising. 

How many products I’m a customer of? Irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what they do for me. It’s what it can do for you!


I’ve been called a networker … and that’s true in a sense I suppose. Through my work as ‘a nerd’ and as Product Ambassador I know a lot of people, and we leverage each other’s strong points, connecting the dots, to get more done in less time. Early 2014 “we” took things to a whole new level by founding ‘Connect Give Share’. If I cannot help you personally? There’s always somebody in our network who can.


And to ‘document’ my journey through life? I blog … a lot. Infact I get paid to blog and to educate! As I also happen love writing manuals and tutorials, including sometimes video tutorials.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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