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1×2 marketing funnel (autoresponder basics & work arounds)

Workaround scenario #3

here’s why it’s great how 1x2marketingfunnel (and all IC products like dexwebinar too) support other autoresponders. As the more mature solutions have these features built-in. Some of you already got those anyway. But if you don’t ? Then additional costs are involved (although usually the first month is for free and thereafter typically $25-50). But using a third party responder is useful in a lot more ways. Cause global fields ain’t the only limitation of Boostresponder. For example another feature I’ve been inquiring about for 2 years is RSS syndication. “Wha?” A feature that’s offered in the new 1×2 marketingsuite for example combined with social media. To have your IC hosted wordpress newsfeed synchronised with your linkedin, facebook, twitter newsfeed. So everything you blog about periodically gets shared on auto-pilot. Well you can do the same with email. So you don’t have to email your blog followers there’s a new message (as you would do right now with boostresponder), but setup a specialised message once, and every week your optins gets updates from whatever you blogged about. Also you usually get access to all kinds of apps and other integrations (FB fanpage apps, paypal integration .. which mingles great with 1x2marketingfunnel again). So yeah I definitely favor the 3rd party approach. Currently stress testing final bits & pieces which one has the easiest interface, functionality, etc.

… yes I can and will later on write about this on the CCM site and/or in PDF, but like to increase your awareness about something so you don’t have to figure this out on your own .
When you build a landingpage / funnel with the very popular or through the 2x2matrix products it makes sense to also use IC’s own autoresponder product.
Quick recap: What is an autoresponder? It’s the ‘thing’ that is responsible for sending out emails on auto-pilot after people have left their email (and/or name) at a page you’ve created. And when you haven’t created one yourself, then you definitely have seen those around the internet. IC’s version of an autoresponder is called “BoostResponder” formerly called “Magic Responder”.
Boostresponder basics
The lingo is getting used to. But a “campaign” in boostresponder is a collection of messages that you can schedule on predefined days (or the number of days after somebody have inquired for more information). And by using so called (custom) fields — to be selected through dropdown menu’s — it’s then possible to personalise messages in the campaign. A message in a campaign is really like composing a message in your favorite email program. But instead of using “Hey John!” you start the email with “Hey {NAME} “. So based on the information they shared when inquiring for information through your funnel, you compile a generic message. And they receive a personalised one. Hence why autoresponders are so popular for decades already Super easy.
Boost Responder & Sharecodes
And just like you can with 1x2marketingsuite and sharing funnels, that others then can reuse … like so many of you have done already, you can do the same with sharing campaigns. As most people never sign up on first exposure to any presentation or information. It takes 5-10 message on average to get the KLT factor (Know Like Trust). Or before they have the time to have seen the entire presentation).
BoostResponder limitations
Spend a great deal of time today convincing IC’s product manager of a feature that’s lacking in boostresponder. Cause once somebody have written a campaign that they share with you? You then only have to import the code; to load all the message contents and the schedule / frequency so you don’t have to go through all that. Very neat! BUT! A feature boostresponder does not have is something that’s called “global fields”. Global fields are things like your signature. So when you write a generic message you can then finish an email with {!signature} … (that shouldn’t just say your name but also where they can find you on social media). Anyway! When you then share your campaign with others? They only have to change their signature once, for ALL messages to get automatically updated. Or when you share a reflink in a message after 3 days? Like “Join me now”. You would write instead of “/rhyker” — hypothetical example — “/{!reflink}”. But boostresponder doesn’t have support for global fields …
What does that mean? Well if somebody has created a campaign and share it with somebody … the person who has then imported the campaign (you for example), has to go over each and every message individually to change reflinks, signatures, and any other field that’s unique to the campaign owner. Otherwise all the people you are going to email (or anyone after you using the same sharecodes of boostresponder) with perfectly personalised messages to the email reader are going to sign up with … not you(but the campaign owner). That totally defies having sharecodes!!!!
IC’s product manager says (again) I’m the first one who’s asking about this. Yeah cause affiliate marketers or business owners write their own campaigns or outsource it. But when you build a team, and like to use a templates for messages, to get duplication going, and get the nerdy bits out of the way so more people can earn money a lot faster while on a small budget? It’s trivial functionality. Cause if you have to alter everything? You can really also just start from scratch and copy/paste everything in; which then no one will do. Or hasn’t thusfar
So … now what? Well have no fear Earnie is here And your input is appreciated on this (in the comments only please).

Workaround scenario #1

In theory you can use a custom field to create a global field. As there are some custom (text)fields who aren’t used often, like for example “phonenumber”, “address”, or “city”. But … custom fields are ‘filled’ when a prospect opts in! So for example to store a reflink? You then have to create an opt-in form that includes the age or phonenumber field, but instead make it invisible (with html form snippet “type=hidden” instead of for example “type=text”) and manually modify the value into whatever your ic username is and for signature something similar. Sounds difficult? Isn’t really when you know exactly what to do (can write a pictorial which buttons to press and what text to search and replace). Cause thereafter? Things are super easy! And totally generic.

Workaround scenario #21x2marketingsuite-hack-autoresponder

we (CCM) follows up for you. So you don’t have to worry about any difficulties whatsoever. As by using ?ref= or ?ic= or ?id= to append to any current or future pages, so we do everything for you. (which ain’t compatible with creating funnels in btw, but of course we make the best funnels :-p). However, I’m not a big fan of the ‘do-it-for-you’ approach, as that usually does a couple of things: keeps you lazy, stupid and dependent in multiple ways. You see what you think you gain? Auto follow up without having to worry? A service often provided by “non-guru” marketers? Well let’s put it likes this. If the money is in the list? Then you need to be in control of your own list at all times. And not rely on somebody else to do it for you, cause they will email other offers to that list (now or in the future); so that’s basically stealing. So if you see #2 as a viable option? Oiii you got a lot to learn But I GLADLY follow up with your leads on your behalf BTW this is also a reason why I dislike teambuilder websites. What you think you gain through such a (often free) system is what you lose instantly when you don’t know the owner or their trackrecord on integrity. Anyway! Mastering autoresponder might seem to have steep learning curve at times? But once mastered? Can generate you money over and over again.
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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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