Serving The Planet

Rhyker’s Quick Benchmark Test Results of FREE WordPress Caching Plugins

Don’t have a lot of time right now to run full blown optimized benchmarks tests. However, as I’m writing this blogpost — not from within my WordPress Backend, but through something else (which I’m pulling together for ‘TTCGS’) — I decided to blog about something useful, which is: the importance of having a caching plugin.

Rhyker2U Quick Benchmark Baseline

Before I give you the benchmark results let’s establish a baseline what I’m testing on.

Relevant WordPress Specifications

  • Site: (you’re on it right now)
  • WordPress version: v4.8.3
  • Theme: WooThemes Canvas
  • Number of plugins installed during benchmarking: 107-110

*) yes that might seem like a lot, but Rhyker2U — next to my personal blog — is a testing / development CMS for other projects. Usually I run an average of ~ 150 plugins per site. Especially when you add ecommerce and/or membership plugins (which I haven’t … yet).

Testing Toolsuite

There are a couple of tools to run benchmarks. However in these quick tests I only use my personal favorite: Pingdom’s Free Toolsuite (no account creation necessary).

Benchmark Test Results

And here are my quick test results …

Only WP Jetpack (+ Photo CDN)

Plugin link:

Horrible results, and regretfully? This is typical for most websites. The only reason it still is faster than 11% of other tested websites, is due to running a heavily optimized server. Visit My Projects Roadmap to see what I mean.

WP Fastest Cache (Free) + JetPack Photo CDN

Additional Plugin Link:

Better already. Time to do some further and proper tweaking.

+ CloudFlare

… much better already! Strangely enough the page size increased.

+ Content Tweaks

Better loading times, but worses Performance grade. Let’s switch from caching solution.

W3TC + CloudFlare + Photon CDN Benchmarks

Ah, now we are getting somewhere! This type of configuration and finetuning ain’t for the faint hearted though (i.e. Redis Object caching, HTTP/2, nginx.conf parameters). Hence why I offer this service at … which is by no means to use this blogpost from a commercial view point.

But … this is ‘all so yesterday’ already as I don’t like the Canvas WP theme either. Thus moving onto a new theme to experiment with Update 08-NOV-2017: Unlocked some features in my Canvas (provided by WooThemes) WP theme I wasn’t aware about existed. Thus keeping it around for a bit longer. To continue …

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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