Serving The Planet

Native Translation of AFP possible in every language without modifying source !

Note: this post was originally posted on the AFP forum, but the forum seems to diseapper soon in favor of a new WP plugin version. Hence making sure I got backups of my own content

I shot in a support ticket about this request a couple of months ago, and got an answer that I was the first one to ask for a translation of AFP and there were no plans for translations. Hmz … bummer! As I’m building a Dutch site. And although using a native WP installation, all the AFP fields remain to be English. Not a very big deal. But it would be nice to have everything native, right?

Well … today I have great news! Found an easy solution that I like to share with all of you, which involves ZERO modifying of AFP source code!

  1. install this free plugin:
  2. in your WP backend, go to Tools -> Text Changes
  3. press “Add New”
  4. at original string you fill in (for example) “Edit Profile” …without the quotes. At text domain you fill in “autofunnel”. Text context field you keep empty, and at replacement string you enter the translation.

That’s IT! And you can do that for any field you like. Including “Welcome”, “Logout”, etc.

P.S. yes my WP backend is English cause I installed this plugin:

P.P.S. When you upgrading to the lastest versin of WP  and using aforemtioned plugin ?Then disable and re-enable and it works again like a charm. Otherwise you will get conflict in WP language upgrades. And everything else I mentioned? Works and it works beautifully

Testimonial by an AFP forum user

Hi guys….

the “Say What”-plugin works like a charm… totally recommended!!!!

Of course

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