Serving The Planet

Atleast double your investment within a month!

Did you know that it can just take:


    • 15 calendar days (cd) on any investment (INV) to a return of investment (ROI) of 130%


  • 30cd to get a ROI of 169%



  • 45cd to get a ROI of 220%?



  • 60cd to get a ROI of 286%



  • or even more … or even higher … above are my averages.


Sounds impossible? Yeah, cause nobody ever showed you how to do it, did they? When you are new to these types of businesses, then it might not be for you (honestly). When you are willing to risk (cause it’s an investment), you will also reap the benefits. Let me show you how the whole process can  be divided in 3 simple steps:

1) e-currency & funding



  • verify the STP account (to proof it’s really you, and to prevent fraud) … takes you 5 minutes, them about 1day



  • fill in your bankinformation (for funding) in STP… takes 5 minutes



  • make a bank transfer from your bankaccount to STP … takes 5 minutes, money usually arrives within 2 days at your account (IBAN / European transfer)


2) Investment programs


    • create account at PremiumAdsClub / PAC (9% for 15 days. Total ROI: 135%) … takes less than 5 minutes


  • create account at Revenue Investment / RI (6% for 22 days. Total ROI: 132%) … takes less than 2 minutes



  • create account at AggeroInvestment /AI  (8.5% for 15 days. Total ROI: 127.5%) … takes less than 5 minutes


Important note: your STP username is your STP account ‘number’.

3) Start earning

Login to all 3 sites and invest an amount. Note: you will have to login everyday surf sites for 10 minutes to build your account balance on a daily basis. AFTER 15 days you get paid. When you reinvest some, you have to do the same thing and then again after 15 days you get paid. That’s … not so cool. I want a continuous stream of income, you too?
Getting paid every day is an option, but a lot of work to manage, so I’ve chosen to get paid after 5 days (workweeks). How to set that up? Invest 1/9th of your initial investment every 5 days in PAC, RI and AI. After your first 15days have expired you can reinvest your first payment, or keep 30% and reinvest 70%. Develop a system and keep cashing/reinvesting every 5 days from then on.

4) Bonus step

Apply for the STP VISA debit card; to spend your e-currency as you are used to with ‘normal money’.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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