Serving The Planet

Euro Millions Lottery Syndicate Review

While there are many lotteries around the world, the most reliable and most known one in Europe is “Euro Millions“:

Normally you can only buy Euro lottery tickets directly if you live in one of the European countries taking part in the Euro Millions draw. Odds of winning the jackpot in the Euromillion lottery is 1 in 76,275,360.

To increase your chance of winning and be able to join from anywhere in the world (thanks to the Internet) you can participate in a “Syndicate”, also known as group lottery. There are 3 huge syndicates, each with fancy websites, etc. But which one is the best, simplest and most lucrative? See comparison matrix below.

e-lottery group millions WLS
Groupsize 39 36 25
Lottery ticket £20/€26 per 4 weeks €25 per 4 weeks €5 per 4 weeks
Plays with 5 numbers, 2 stars 5 numbers, 2 stars 9 numbers + 2 stars (+ optional) 5 numbers & 9 stars
Playing with lines 36 36? 126
Win chance increase jackpot 3600% 3600% 12600%
Promotion only website only website website, paper registration form
Businessmodel uni 7 levels for €4.99/month extra uni 7 levels uni 5 levels, kwalification
L1: 20% of ticket costL2-6: 5% of ticket cost + extra bonus incentives L1: €5L2-7: €0.50 €0.37-4 referral bonusses + 1-3% of price money on team!
Bonus models extra 1-2%, Porsche Boxster with 10000 members, free places €10 for every 10 extra members per month free personal lottery ticket incentives (your own chance at winning Euromillions next to the grouplottery!)
Pay creditcard creditcard, bankwire iDeal (NL), creditcard, bankwire
Pay out ? ? bankwire


Summarized? WLS has:

    • the biggest chance of you and your group winning the lottery
    • the smallest group size (so more price money for each separate player)
    • the lowest ticket price
    • more than 1 registration option, and not only creditcard as payment
    • no ridiculous incentives or hard to get prices that nobody will obtain anyway, instead:
    • they are promoting to work in a team as suggested by many MLM authors (Don Failla, Randy Gage, Anthony Robbins), focussing in earning money and even sharing in price money!
    • taxfree payout using ATM/pin card with offshore bankaccount, next to all the other available options.


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