Serving The Planet

Rhyker’s Xmas Wish List 2013

Money is just energy, but one of the best … as you can use it as leverage to buy certain things or give back to your source of nourishment.

I used to feature my ‘wish list’ / goals list on my blogs, but as they are quite difficult to find back in between in the jungle of literally 1000s of posts? I’m sharing them on my FB profile now with these notes :)  If I don’t share where I am going? It’s going to be challenging to attract the people I need into my life to accomplish it faster, cause the cliches are true; I become more successful if I help other people become successful, and I rather have 1% of 100 people, than 100% of my own efforts. ROCKS!

And I have some very strong desires, and failure is NOT an option!

Will be adding to this list as I go along, and share completion days


  1. FINALLY be totally debt-free before 25dec13 (still $4,000 to go … might seem a lot but used to be a LOAD more):
  2.  Go “ALL-IN” with Empower Network … yeah still have to purchase the masters course
  3. Pay in full for my mom’s mortgage
  4. Create a ‘travel fund’ to have $10k at all times to go wherever I want to: dart + map = adventure
  5. Create an ‘solo ads’-fund to have $10k for advertising at all times

Giving Back / Charity:

  • Tithe 10% of all my income to charity


  • Setup a Dutch Empower Network event for 100 guests
  • Help 25 people in Holland earn 500-1000EUR per month part-time
  • Go from 35+ to 250 people frontline in Empower Network
  • Be a Top10 leader on all the leaderboards
  • Be #1 Top Earner of Empower Network in Benelux
  • Get a company paid for BMW X5 High Executive




Hardware: computer related  

Hardware: Pro Audio & Synths

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  • Be a master FaceBook PPC marketer
  • Get 10 leads per day for Empower Network
  • Get 2 signups per day for Empower Network

Software & Cloud Apps


  • Purchase Empower Network Miami Ticket for January 2014 and fully paid for a SINGLE flight (wanna stay in Florida for a while)

… and if all that is done. Then I will be rewriting the list with a few of the BIGGER dynasty goals.

What’s your wish list? And do you have a financial vehicle to
achieve your  dreams? No? Sign up for FREE at


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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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