Serving The Planet

Hello World! (again)

Oh shoot … *sigh* Yes I know a lot about wordpress, having used their platforms as far back as 2003. Yes I still do pro-bono consulting and give advice on all it aspects whenever I feel like it (or to help our #teamconnectgiveshare #ic4you team). And yet … Nope, I don’t have a wordpress blog […]

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Stop paying attention to dreams. They don’t mean anything and ur waisting …

With my renewed enthusiasm to start blogging, and how we all know that things tend to get lost on FaceBook timelines. I feel the need to share this with everybody with regards to a response I got in a chat conversation with somebody I hold dear on the 6th of December 2015. Dreams and Visions […]

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5 Most Popular IC signup links

There are a couple of ways you can register people into IC. And you can find most links by … Help people start at a specific board Why you would like to do that? Not only because of what I explained in this 13minute video:   … but also because of strategic cycling boards. Ask your […]

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Book Travel on a Budget (2015 Edition)

For 2015 I came up with a cool ‘tag’ line which is “Money Makes Travel Fun”. Places I’ve been to already Book Travel However when you don’t have the money to travel? Then what’s the point of joining a travel club? Including the invite-only type, which have a payplan attached to introducing other members; which is […]

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[NL] EKPC: Zo lek als een mandje …

Ik had hier vorige maand nog een discussie over met de eigenaar van Scancircle (toen licentieverlenging weer ter sprake kwam). Want — zoals je weet — geef ik graag geld uit aan goede software, offline digitaal gereedschap en online tools om EKPC computer klanten zo goed mogelijk van dienst te zijn. Maar als het geen meerwaarde […]

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Earn With Earnie
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