Serving The Planet

Archive | Computer Hardware


Nokia can’t send SMS text messages

I’m a very happy user of a Nokia 6710 Navigator with Symbian S60 operating system. It supports all modern technologies and Apps: Skype, WhatsApp, eBuddy, etc. One thing I haven’t been able to do though is send SMS, while I was able to receive text messages. Yesterday I took care of that problem!   The […]

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Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart

Apple said — in 2008 — it had “pretty interesting ideas” for a Mac netbook. Fast forward to 2011 the MacBook Air has replaced the former MacBooks and has everything any netbook lover always wanted to, but cannot have due to a 1k pricetag. Reason I’m looking into any kind of laptop (again), is because […]

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Hackintosh Best Buy Guides

Okay you happen to be a lover of Apple’s Mac OS X 10 (Tiger, Leopard, Snow either Lion). Your old G4 can’t pull it any longer, but you don’t have the cash laying around for a brand new Mac Mini, iMac or MacBook Air. Or … you need something more powerful than a Mac Pro! […]

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