Serving The Planet

Archive | Hacking

[NL] Hoe behaal je de meeste winst met Bitcoin en Litecoin?

[NL] Wat is Bitcoin Nu Precies ? Uitleg in het Nederlands / Dutch. De basis in 6 minuten.

Je hebt vast dit filmpje over Bitcoin al eens gezien uit 2011? Nee? dan toch wel deze uit 2013? Leuk! Maar wat is het nu écht precies? En waarom kan dat niet kort worden uitgelegd Nederlands? Ja dat kan dus wel! Hieronder: Wat is Bitcoin (uitgebreide en actuele uitleg) Beeldkwaliteit is matig, maar de uitleg […]

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WordPress Twenty Fourteen (2014) Theme Modification Resources

Yes! IT was about time I changed my a 2011-ish theme to a 2014 theme. And with the new WP theme Twenty Fourteen it was love on first sight … until I ran into the same conclusions as this guy. WP 2014 Theme Modification Resources Change the Twenty Fourteen with a child theme: awesome 2014 […]

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Build Your Own Crypto Currency (i.e. LiteCoin) GPU miner computer rig: February 2014

This article caused quite the stir with other crypto currency miners. As I concluded that mining digital coins with a Computer is a “no go”. Which is correct if you’re mining Bitcoins; it’s complexity of mining is increasing. To make the investment in ASIC mining equipment pay for it self you have to get at least […]

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WAIT with signing up in = Scam? Collapsing?

As I was just talking to some fellow nerds. And had a conversation that went a little like this (WARNING: *MINDFART rant BadAss Rhyker style*): “So this Bitcoin-Economy thing?” “Isn’t that for n00bs?” “Can’t I google all that information together?” “Isn’t it a sorry excuse for a compensation plan?” Yeah maybe it is. Here’s a thought though. […]

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English Auto Blogging / PowerToolSubmitter for Mac – Installation Instructions

Quicklink to this howto @ Google Docs: What do you need, to get ENPTS (EN-PowerToolSubmitter) working on a Mac? Well … only 3 things, but Mac users are usually not ‘techies’. The challenge lays into the fact that ENPTS is Windows software. And a Mac is … a Mac. So it cannot run Windows […]

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