While searching for a computer replacement for one my customers I ran into Shuttle XPC X200. A mini PC released in 2007. Nothing special about that, what IS special is how much hardware is fit into a small case. Specifications that excite me: Intel G945GM North Bridge, ICH7M South Bridge and GMA950 video card. That […]
Archive | Hackintosh

The best Mac OS X source code editors
Yes the WYSIWYG interface of MacroMedia DreamWeaver is second to none. Yet most of the time I’m only interested in editing PHP source code. Something Dreamweaver excels at too, but something a little ‘snappier’ would suffice too. My favorite editors are: UltraEdit (30day free trial) … I used to use this in Windows 95 as well! […]

iStat Menus
iStat Menus is another great Mac App that really delivers upon the promiss at their site: “The Most Advanced Mac OS X System Monitor”. It installs neatly in the Apple taskbar, and you can monitor everything! Including the things I like to monitor; harddisk capacity, download/upload meter, CPU and HD temperature, etc. Download it […]

A hackintosh workstation recommendation
It has been only 4 months ago that I switched my 60GB Vortex 2 SSD with a 1TB harddisk and upgraded from 2GB to 4GB RAM. I’m super happy with my current setup, however my computing demands have shifted from creating simple website programming & creating slideshows, to Adobe After Effects & professional DVD compilations. […]
Upgrading or selling my Dell D430 Business netbook?
Big deja-vu moment! 2.5 years ago, after buying a MSI Wind U100, only to be used as travelcompanion, I ended up migrating from a ‘kick ass’ workstation to a low end Intel Atom N270 netbook! Earlier this week same thing. Although I was in the planning phase of building a bigger and better Workstation. I […]

Turn Your Favorite Web Apps into Real Mac Apps
Web applications like Gmail, Facebook, Campfire and Pandora are becoming more and more like desktop applications every day. Running each of these web apps in a separate tab in your browser can be a real pain. Even if you use Google Chrome Extensions ;-). Along comes “Fluid”. Fluid lets you create a Real Mac App (or […]

Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart
Apple said — in 2008 — it had “pretty interesting ideas” for a Mac netbook. Fast forward to 2011 the MacBook Air has replaced the former MacBooks and has everything any netbook lover always wanted to, but cannot have due to a 1k pricetag. Reason I’m looking into any kind of laptop (again), is because […]