Serving The Planet

Archive | Humor


Talk Fusion Review 2014 and FREE Alternatives

Alright .. this is an interesting story. If you are connected with Rhyker on LinkedIN, then you know that he has been with Talk Fusion before, left, reactivated, left, reactivated, left. And we’re back. And for very good and specific reasons. Cause Rhyker? Is a product junky. So it has to have superior benefits next […]

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Team Builds Are Not For Everyone!

We’ve already demistified quite a few controversial subjects over the past few years. Here are just two: TeamBuilder Co-Op Exposed by MMG LifeTime Supporter Are all High Yield Investment Programs Ponzi Scams? So I’m glad I’m not the only one who notices a flaw in something else, which is: To All FreeToolbox Members Hi Earnie ‘Rhyker’ , As […]

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Earn With Earnie
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