Serving The Planet

Archive | Home & Lifestyle

A Perfect Moment; The Digital Nomad Lifestyle

A Perfect Moment; The Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Every moment is a perfect moment. Wherever you are, all around the World. Enjoy: Soundtrack: “Perfect Moment” by Peter White. “Digital nomads are a new breed of resourceful entrepreneurs, who are able to live and work anywhere they please. Nomadic workers typically enjoy a flexible and fulfilling lifestyle, leveraging technology and the internet to work […]

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My Vision Board 2012

My Vision Board 2012

If you cannot envision where you want to be at, it’s going to be difficult to take the action to get there.   2011 — for me — was pretty much about living other people’s dreams. I was doing the things I excel at; hardcore ‘nerding’ at several IT projects. But in the process of […]

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Living full-time … in a camper

I’ve traveled to a lot of places and I’ve lived in as many (across Netherlands, Denmark, UK). One of my goals is freedom, not just time and financial freedom, but also the freedom to move around where I want. Reading books like the 4-hour Work Week a year ago made me move to London to seek adventure […]

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Apple eMac for my mum!

Last night bought a second hand Apple eMac for my mum! Goodbye Windows XP; we are not going to miss you! Apple eMac model specifications: PowerPC G4 1GHz 1024MB RAM memory 40GB harddisk CD-RW/DVD combo optical drive ATI Radeon 7500 AGP 32MB 17″ CRT screen (screenresolution: 1280×960) Additional hardware: Macally ICEKEY Keyboard USB Apple Mighty Mouse USB Epson […]

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Earn With Earnie
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