Serving The Planet

Archive | My Journey


My Bucket List – Travel Destinations

I consider myself lucky & blessed for already having had a rich life when it comes to gathering invaluable experiences. However before I die, I need to visit, see and/or live in these countries. Preferably with as many friends as possible, with a focus on quality experiences. Not having a lot of money? Here’s my list: […]

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#Hackintosh dreams do come true!

I’ve been round and about the Hackintosh scene for a few years now (don’t know exactly how long); 2008ish I think. I’m both donator of content and money at Hackintosh.NL / /, but for the … … past half year been closely involved at OSXL, which as of today is being rewarded with […]

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The Lawnmower Man Story

I’m a ‘techy’ / computernerd by trade. One of my passions for the past 20 years, is helping consumers and fellow entrepreneurs with their Information Technology challenges. Throughout the years I’ve also built up a website portfolio with a lot of professional networkers. As such I’ve worked with, been trained by, or have friendship with some […]

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My Vision Board 2012

My Vision Board 2012

If you cannot envision where you want to be at, it’s going to be difficult to take the action to get there.   2011 — for me — was pretty much about living other people’s dreams. I was doing the things I excel at; hardcore ‘nerding’ at several IT projects. But in the process of […]

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GOALS & GamePlan: 2012 Q1 Milestones

Some people, including myself, are easily distracted from the things that I like to attain in life. Thus having a vision board is great, but not being able to realise the small babysteps, that will get me where I want to be, is frustrating. So instead of dreaming big, I like to keep things realistic and practical […]

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Earn With Earnie
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