Serving The Planet

#Hackintosh dreams do come true!

I’ve been round and about the Hackintosh scene for a few years now (don’t know exactly how long); 2008ish I think. I’m both donator of content and money at Hackintosh.NL / /, but for the …

… past half year been closely involved at OSXL, which as of today is being rewarded with being part of the team. Still have much to learn in creating DSDTs and Kexts, but looking forward to contribute and teach a new generation.

Come check us out at


Update 06Jan12: okay … after being part of the team for a few days, I already received my first promotion Commitment is noticed, and we don’t take forever to make decisions. I’m now part of the core team as a crew manager, and looking forward to built a crew of about 10-15 people of people with the following expertises:

  • 1x advanced Linux knowledge (preferably of ACPI)
  • 3-5x Dell (Latitude + Inspiron) Hackintosh owners for testing DSDTs
  • 2x persons with DSDT coding experience
  • Macintosh support (forum moderating)
  • iOS support (forum moderating)

… or maybe you have ideas what kind of position or function you can contribute to our team. We expect you to have skype and dedicate all the time you want to dedicate. Let’s say 5-10 hours a week minimum. Know anybody that could be interested? We are a non-profit community. The reward for your efforts is eternal fame.

Update 23Feb12: ‘degraded’ myself from ‘crew manager’ to ‘Forum & Wiki Manager‘. Not only because we attracted some of the brightest minds in the Hackintosh scene.

Update 26Feb12: after expressing some serious concerns regarding the coding of the new EDP, I’m now also appointed as EDP3 developer. LOL.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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