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Dell D430 Hackintosh replacement?

A few months ago I already blogged about a possible upgrade path from a Dell D430 hackintosh. With preliminary support from the community for the Dell E-series, I’m reconsidering.

Let’s first explain why I want to upgrade. I’m doing a lot of Adobe After Effects video creation, as well as webcast recordings, and the rendering times are between 1-14 hours at the moment! And while it’s rendering I can’t do much else then waiting. That’s unacceptable, as I’m losing business hours. Now I could configure my Shuttle X200 as a second workstation. And I probably will while, deciding on what kind of new Hackintosh laptop configuration I want, but need something bigger, better, portable … at a pricetag that’s lower than whatever Apple is offering :o)

Update 21feb12: Moved the entire matrix to

Let’s first go into some forum treats I started at explaining my thought processes:
Here you can find my initial wishlist. What has to be added:
  • same or higher resolution than 1280×800 (extra height is most important; thus WXGA+)
  • preferably built-in webcam (as I do a lot of video communication and Skyping)
  • Solid State Disk (preferably Intel X-25 / 320 / 510, Crucial M4, OCZ Vortex 2 or 3)
  • CPU: > Core 2 Duo 2GHz
  • RAM: >= 4GB.
  • Budget including 60-80GB SSD ~ €500.

The reason for DELL is chassis quality. Magnesium Alloy is da bomb! (compared to crappy plastic)

Update 21feb12: Moved the entire matrix to

Dell E models under consideration: (+ second hand prices)
  • Dell Latitude E4300. Bad OSX results. CPU: Core2Duo. Max. 8GB. 13.3″ LCD 1280×800. Webcam! Weight: 1.5KG.
  • Dell Latitude E4310. Bad OSX results. CPU: Fast i5/i7. Max 4GB. 13.3″ 1440×900. Webcam! Weight: 1.6KG
  • Dell Precision M4300. Great OSX Lion support. Max. T8300 CPU. Max. 4GB RAM. Weight: 2.8KG = heavy. No webcam. However 15″ screen, but with native 1900×1200 resolution. Pricetag: ~ €200 (w/o SSD). It’s basically a D830 with a different lid, higher native resolution and slightly faster videocard.
  • Dell Latitude E5510. Good OSX support. Fast i3/i5 CPU. Max. 8GB. Weight about 2.5KG  = heavy. Webcam! 15″ screen with low 1366x768 resolution. Pricetag: ~ €500.
  • Dell Latitude E5520 … to be added soon. Pricetag: ~ €375.
  • Dell Latitude E6400. Good OSX SL support (insanelyMac link). CPU: Core2Duo P8400-8600. Max. 4GB RAM, No webcam. Weight: 1.95KG. 14.1″ screen with resolution: 1440×900. Pricetag: ~ €300-400.
  • Dell Latitude E6410. Support: ‘so-so’ OSX SL. CPU: Fast i5. Max. 8GB RAM. 14.1″ screen with WXGA+ resolution. Weight: 2.3KG. Battery time: 6-7 hours. No webcam. Pricetag: ~ €450. Looks promising! Checkout this great notebookreview.
  • Dell Latitude E6420. GoodOSX SL support. CPU: Fast i5/i7. Pricetag:  ~ €750
  • Dell Latitude E6220. Good OSX Lion support. CPU: i5 2520M. 12.5″LCD with WXGA resolution. HD: 128GB Samsung 470 SSD. Max. 8GB RAM. 12″. Weight: 1.43KG. Pricetag: ~ €850
Other resources used:
Update 21feb12: Moved the entire matrix to
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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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