Serving The Planet

Archive | Software


Youtube? Check. PornTube? Heard about it. FilesTube?!

Everybody knows about these days. I’m pretty sure most guys have heard about PornTube. However FilesTube? That was a new one for me! seems to be a meta search engine, for cloud based storage solutions. Forget about FTP and torrent to distribute less legal files, and welcome to MegaUpload, FileSonic, RapidShare and about 25 other similar sites. FilesTube search algorithm ain’t […]

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Gmail backup

For the past few years my primary e-mail account has been provided by Gmail. The best email box on the planet. However, what worried me is — that in the likely event of Gmail losing my e-mails (which never happened) — I do not have a backup (as I would have when using Outlook or […]

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Google Chrome Extensions 2010

More than a year ago I was complaining there weren’t many extensions for Google Chrome. Well that has all changed with version 5. It not only changed for the better, they have surpassed the added functionality of my Firefox extensions! So tonight I completely migrated from Firefox 3.6 to Google Chrome 5.0! Worth mentioning: for every […]

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My Top 5 Nokia E63 apps

As I’ve been busy switching PCs all the time, I haven’t really had time to dig into buying which specific Apple iPhone or iPhone touch or iPad. Moreover, because my Nokia E63 is sim locked I haven’t been able to sell it. Although the E63 seems to have a proprietary OS, it’s actually based on […]

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Xmarks Bookmark Sync

Xmarks is the #1 bookmarking add-on. Xmarks synchronizes across multiple computers, and across web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. After you install the add-on, click on the notification to set up Xmarks and start backing up and synchronizing your bookmarks. Chrome Extension, Firefox add-on Related posts: F*CK !!! public_html/megla.txt – “hacked by megla […]

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Remote Access Software Windows

I was looking for a good tool for Remote Access, what I found: … VNC over SSH … iPhone GUI Crossloop (Windows, Mac OSX) … VNC over SSH … VNC over SSH … very slow on limited bandwidth connections TeamViewer (support for Windows, Mac OSX AND Linux) UltraVNC ‘Single Click’ LogMeIn and TeamViewer both offer iPhone […]

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