Serving The Planet

Archive | Technology


Learning to fly a Helicopter!

People who know me well, know that I’ve been CRAZY about helicopter all my life. Quick recap: hmz … and it seems a few other blogposts got lost. I’m pretty sure I did a special on of the Bell 222a chopper. Ah! Here it is … in a Dutch blogpost of May 18th 2008. Let […]

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Mobile VOIP app

I’m running several global business, and loving Skype to make international phone calls, but Skype isn’t the cheapest (neither the best when it comes to call quality). So today while browsing the Apple appstore I ran into app: With MobileVOIP you can make free* voip calls from your mobile phone. Make calls to any […]

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[NL] Zelfde snelheid met lagere internetkosten

Ik heb de kennis op dezes pagina al vele malen toegepast, dus dat betekent dat ‘t voor meer klanten interessant kan zijn! Het is niet moeilijk om zelf te doen en bespaart €100! Wat ik namelijk bespeur bij veel van mijn klanten is dat ze een Ziggo Plus internet abonnement hebben. Een mooi abonnement met razendsnel 50Mbit Internet! Edoch wanneer je […]

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My phone history

With Nokia making a comeback into phone market that’s dominated by Samsung and Apple, I was wondering what phones I’ve had over the years. My list: May 2011 – present :: Nokia 6710 Navigator (Symbian S60 OS) Nokia E63 (Symbian S60 OS) Samsung D880 dualsim Nokia 6100? Sony Ericson D800(?) … hope to add some […]

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Earn With Earnie
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