Serving The Planet

Archive | Webdesign, Coding & DTP


Online reservation system

To automate requests for my Dutch remote desktop customers I’ve been relying on the services of It works, but it’s not very userfriendly for offering specific commercial services. I was browsing the web yesterday at a friend, and saw she had a tab open in Chrome with iPhoneKing. A Dutch iPhone repair service site created […]

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Userbars (aka Signature Bars) are a specific type of forum signature graphic 350 pixels wide and 19 pixels high that many forum community, email and social network (such as MySpace or Facebook) users attach to their signature, comments or website to express their personality and interests. Much like a cellphone ringtone does in the real […]

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[Plugin: Simple Facebook Connect] issues with Simple Tags

A recent error related to WordPress Simple Tags plugin: Warning: array_keys() : The first argument should be an array in /home/content/85/5690885/html/about/wp-content/plugins/simple-tags/inc/client.php on line 1310 Warning: shuffle() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/content/85/5690885/html/about/wp-content/plugins/simple-tags/inc/client.php on line 1311 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/85/5690885/html/about/wp-content/plugins/simple-tags/inc/client.php on line 1312 Got fixed by applying this […]

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Get a Skype button

Skype buttons can be used on your website, blog or even in your email signature to let other people contact you easily. You can choose from the simple options, or customise the colours, functions and styles using the Skype buttons wizard. Update 16mar09: be sure, you enabled to broadcast your status through the web. Click […]

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Open Source CMS / Portal scripts

Want to have an overview of all available open source CMS and Portal scripts, in the categories: CMS / Portals, forums, Blogs, Lite, Groupware, Image galleries, Learning Management, Miscellaneous, eCommerce, Wiki? Checkout Need a third party or somebody that helps you to deploy/install it at a competitive price? Checkout AS No related posts.

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Earn With Earnie
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