Serving The Planet

How Can I Join Empower Network in Pakistan? Debit Card Solution!

To sign up as a member of Empower Network, you need a virtual or plastic credit-  or debitcard with VISA or mastercard logo to be able to signup.

Differences between credit and debitcard?

  • Debit Card Means (Pre-Paid) 0% Interest
  • Credit Card means (Post Paid) > 15% Interest

So needless to say? You’re better of with a debit card.

Where can I get a debit card online?

We’ve covered that years ago already. Short list:

“But I’m from Pakistan!”

“Yeah … so?” 

That’s what my response used to be.

After doing a lot of research it seems that having a VISA or mastercard emblem, doesn’t mean a whole lot with regards to shopping outside the national borders in Pakistan.

Even if they could get such a card online (thru earlier mentioned sites), transactions to or from the card will just be declined.

Which is why this list is a life savior:

List of Working debit cards

After doing a lot of online research these cards seem to work for shopping online and/or signup within Empower Network.

You can just fund these cards with PKR (Pakistan’s currency) and spend it online.

The banks do the conversion for you into USD. So what makes Pakistan different from the rest of the planet is that proper debitcards are only issued from their national banks.

Update 29th of January 2013: one of my future teammembers received this!


Final thoughts: update July 2013

This blogpost is receiving a lot of traffic … from Pakistan.

Do you do think it will increase your chances of success when we work together? Contact me.

Or … even better yet (for you). Sign up with my teamleader (and $5,000/month earner) in Pakistan;

Mr. Ellahi from Dera Ghazi Khan

Facebook ID: Teepu4u
Empower Network ID … signup here.





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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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