Serving The Planet

Rhyker, are you still giving BadAss Tech support?

I admit it! I’m GUILTY of being distracted by shiny objects.

In March I stopped giving Remote Tech Support entirely already. It was a distraction from building what I want to be doing; changing lives through education!

But after attending the Empower Network Chicago event I needed some funds to go all-in. I figured I could make a quick buck with doing what I always had done.

One of the diamonds in my mastermind and successful traditional entrepreneur was able to paint a picture of what exactly I’ve been doing wrong over the past few years. I know EVERYTHING, there’s to know about computers, but by giving my IT support away for free, I’ve undersold myself and did others a disfavor. Infact I had a discussion the other day with the co-founders of EMG about that, and they phrased it like this:

What hurts people the most is not what they know – IT IS WHAT THEY DON’T – Also, just so you know — GIVING your energy to people (Free computer repair)   – be aware that you put them in a criminal position – Def. of criminal: taking something and not giving anything in exchange (return). This will 100% guarantee play against you. Why? no one likes to be a criminal and they know when they are… When you give – ask for something in return. Doesn’t have to be monetary – just allow the person to feel that they are not owing you ANYTHING because they did/do something to help you because you helped them. Only then can they be truthfully communicate with you.

Am I still giving Remote Computer support?

The short answer? Yes. Although I’m not marketing it actively anymore. Need support? Visit

What about webpage development?

What I know about webpages? Is PHP3 and HTML 1.0 That still gives plenty of foundation to work with the latest and greatest PHP5, HTML5 and CSS3, but that skillset is aging .. FAST (as well)! Update: until the project came along!

So what are you still doing!?

Teaching people how to earn money online, how to create, capture, convert and sell.To MAKE MONEY out of thin air, to enjoy the things that are most important in life … what’s important to you? Keep that in mind, after you get access to this information:

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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